whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

This is so sweet.

Everyone thinks I have lost my mind by doing this. But if it helps get his/her legs stretching then so be it. Lol I actually think it's kinda of cute.
Pip&Squeek2 :

This is so sweet.

Everyone thinks I have lost my mind by doing this. But if it helps get his/her legs stretching then so be it. Lol I actually think it's kinda of cute.​

i think its adorable.i have decided to talk to my regular vet about queeny and see if he thinks blood work would tell us something.
OK, here is another thought....has she been where she can get a source of gravel for her crop? If not and her poo looks a lot like the color of what goes in (the was the case of one of my babies who loved cooked carrots and pooed orange constantly before I got him a source of gravel for his crop and he was able to digest the food he took in) then get something in her to do the work on her food in her crop.
Pip&Squeek2 :

This is so sweet.

Everyone thinks I have lost my mind by doing this. But if it helps get his/her legs stretching then so be it. Lol I actually think it's kinda of cute.​

How does Runt like the swing? Baby hated his chair but I knew taking the pressure off his legs was good for part of the day at least.
Everyone thinks I have lost my mind by doing this. But if it helps get his/her legs stretching then so be it. Lol I actually think it's kinda of cute.

How does Runt like the swing? Baby hated his chair but I knew taking the pressure off his legs was good for part of the day at least.

The only unpleasant part is getting him/her into it. Otherwise s/he seems to love it.
Pip&Squeek2 :

How does Runt like the swing? Baby hated his chair but I knew taking the pressure off his legs was good for part of the day at least.

The only unpleasant part is getting him/her into it. Otherwise s/he seems to love it.​

Oh that is great. See Baby could not use his legs at all so getting him in was easy. I could just tell by his squirming that he did not like it. I think he liked it a little better when I adjusted the front portion higher so he was not exactly parallel to the ground but his head was elevated just a bit. He really wanted to be down on the ground next to Little Friend.
Tapeworm :


If you experience any of these symptoms do not assume it is because you have a tapeworm. These symptoms may be caused by other, less serious health conditions. If you experience any one of them, see your physician.

* Nausea
* Weakness
* Diarrhea
* Abdominal pain
* Hunger or loss of appetite
* Fatigue
* Weight loss


You may be able to self-diagnose tapeworm infection by checking your stool for signs of tapeworms. But more likely, if you suspect infection, see your doctor, who will ask about your symptoms and medical history, and perform a physical exam. Tests may include the following:

* A stool sample that will be sent to a laboratory for analysis. Sometimes, several samples are needed over a designated period, since tapeworm eggs and segments may be released irregularly in human stool.
* A blood test to indicate the presence of antibodies produced to fight tapeworm infection
A couple more questions..

I did see her gape her beak open once today. Could she have gape worms or is that normal?

Also, I have been giving her the vitamin B in her food and water. I have another hen that is living with her, so I feel bad having to give her that as well. It can't possibly taste good. I was thinking about giving her the pill by a medicine dropper. How often should I give her it if I do that?

It is day 5, and she's still not any better. I was thinking about putting a tiny bit of Wazine in her water just in case. It wouldn't hurt. I don't think that treats gape worms, but It does treat hookworms and roundworms.

I go outside and pick her up a lot. usually she's in the same spot. Maybe three times a day she will go somewhere else, flopping and falling the whole way. She is starting to love it when I pick her up...her appetite is still extremely well. (knock on wood.) I will try to post pics in a little bit.
My chickens have a sweet tooth. Try covering up any bitter taste from the vitamins with a little sugar. I really know little about gapeworm or any worm issues for that matter. Perhaps someone else can offer up some advice on your questions.....sorry
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