whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

OK, here is another thought....has she been where she can get a source of gravel for her crop? If not and her poo looks a lot like the color of what goes in (the was the case of one of my babies who loved cooked carrots and pooed orange constantly before I got him a source of gravel for his crop and he was able to digest the food he took in) then get something in her to do the work on her food in her crop.

yes she has gravel in the run and she also has grit in a bowl in her coop.
no i said she had yellow in her poo,probably from the vit.b.shes been in the house for 2 weeks,hasnt had any grass.im not sure what the vets gonna do.wants to see her.so i guess we will see.
not really.except shes falling over more.the vet said could be a possible pancreas problem..i dont know.i just hope he can help her.
Just to add a bit of hope, Pumpkin was falling over alot more and she was breathly deeply with an open mouth. I thought she was a goner. You never know, maybe an ear infection, too?

Sending lots of hugs your way.

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