whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

Hi guys,

My baby has had to be put down. S/he had really bad diarrhea and was getting so bad. Didn't want to do anything but sleep. I didn't think it was fair for him/her to keep having to live like that anymore. I have been crying for hours and life isn't the same. I used to be able to leave him/her for an hour or so...at the end (today) s/he couldn't even get him/her self out of the way after pooping. S/he kept ending up full of it.

I honestly don't even know what to say. It has been very hard. My heart hurts so bad. I really didn't even want to get back on here but I wanted to thank everyone for the support and the idea's.
I know I will question myself over and over about whether or not it was the right thing or not. I can't imagine what or how I am going to handle this.

So sorry
Just remember that s/he is in a better place now then any of our chickens.​
so sorry pip&sqeek2
you did all you could do.sometimes i think we are being selfish keeping them alive cause we will miss them so much.i always try to think 'would i want to live like this'and if its no then you know youve done the right thing.just the fact that you did so much for your baby says alot.alot of people would have just put h/her down at the beginning.
Thank you all for the kind words. It's been a really tough day so far. I didn't even want to get out of bed cause the first thing I did was talk and take care of Runt. And I literally cried myself to sleep last night.

I appreciate the support, a lot of people...including the one's in my household, don't understand. "It's just an animal...a chicken."

I truly hope all your guys babies are doing better today. It really hurts to see our babies in any discomfort.
update on queeny-went to the vets today.good news/bad news.he found a cecal worm egg in her poo.so we can treat that.the bad news is shes so ematiated hes not sure if we can bring her back from that.so shes on more medication and he gave her a b12 shot and a styroid shot.she also is staying on her vit. b & e.he also says to keep feeding her like i have been.so please include queeny in your prayers.again thanks for all your support and advice.
Sure glad I looked into this forum. My SLW is 4-5 months old and is falling over, cramped looking leg and can't stand. I will try the vit B therapy immediately!
(((((((((((for you and Queeny))))))))))))). I hope she will rally around now that she has something to fight with. Please keep us informed!

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