whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

I was just doing some research that talks about black head symptoms. I read that the name is misleading. The birds head not always turns black. I have noticed a dark spot on the top of my hens head the past few days. Do you think she could have black head? Or is that just a coinsidence? The dark spot is only on her feathers I think. I pushed the feathers out of the way, and I dont think I saw any dark on her skin, but it could be the lighting or something.
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I have never heard of "black head." Can you give us a link to where you are reading so we may all be educated on the matter? Someone else may know more about this. Id start a new thread with this as the title if I were you. That way you might catch some knowledgeable folks not on this thread.
thanks lobzi,very informative.

update on queeny-thought she was a goner lastnight.she wouldnt eat and just wanted to sleep.this morning she ate great and is more alert.i thought she would be gone this morning.what an emotional ride.this sweet girl is taking years off my life that i cant afford.
It the dark spot showed up on mature feathers Id say a drop of something. Now if it is on skin which renews itself fairly regularly, it might be more serious. Posting a picture may help others to assess.
Hi everyone! I haven't had a chance to write but I have been reading your posts everyday! You all are such an inspiration to me. I am continually awed at the lengths that you all go to so that your chickens will get better. Our hen has had the same symptoms of being unbalanced and having difficulty walking for about 3 weeks now. We were giving her some vitamin E, vitamins and electrolytes in her water and now we have started the vitamin B therapy. She has an incredible appetite. She used to lay in one spot for most of the day but is now walking around a bit more. (Still very wobbly and falls over at times.) We think she showed 2 signs today that she may be getting a bit better. For the first time in 3 weeks she ate while standing up instead of nestled down on her legs. She also seemed to be trying to dust bathe to get down to the cooler dirt!!
One question I have is, if she has worms would I be able to see them in her poo or are they microscopic? Her poo is very liquid. Not sure what that means.
So sorry Pip&Squeek2 for your loss.
i like the idea of the slings some of you made to keep your bird up right.so i decided to make one for queeny.not real sure if she likes it,but i think it better to put her in different positions.shes starting to poo alot,which is good,but unfortunately she cant get away from it so i have to clean her alot.but her appetite seems to be picking up quite a bit,so thats good.ill feel so much better when she starts to gain some weight.

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