whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

I have been doing some more research. I have come to the conclusion that Runt more than likely had that Avian Encephalomyelitis (AE). Now that I am in somewhat of a rational state...not that I could or would ever forget about him/her. I literally laid around all day yesterday and cried. I have cried so much that I feel dehydrated. I had to take a break from just everything.

Anyhow, it was getting really bad with Runt. S/he was starting to choke on the food. Having horrible tremors and didn't want to get up at all. It was so sad to see any of it but when s/he did try and get up to get away from the diarrhea, s/he would end up rolling all over in it. Just over all in a bad way. I sat there with him/her for a long time and thought about all s/he was going through and even how tough s/he was. I called a couple more vets and talked to them about options and prices. I weighed all the options... with Runts feeling and comfort included and it just wasn't fair or right to keep on with everything.

Sorry I kind of disappeared the last couple days. I just had to get through hour by hour. I cleaned up everything around the house that I was using for Runt. And just dealing with the loss. The hardest part was handing him/her over to my hubby and taking the little body in a box to the hole we dug. I am trying to focus on the others, chickens, today. And trying to keep myself busy.

I truly hope you all are having better luck with your chickens. It kind of sounds like things are looking up for most of you. All I can really say is do everything you feel you can and if it isn't working and they have to be put down, just remember that we have done a great thing by trying and giving them the best life possible. So many others would have gave up due to time and patients alone.

I plan on coming here to keep up to date with your babies. Keep your heads up and your minds open. I pray for all of your big hearts and feel great knowing that there are others out there that love animals the way I do.

Take care and God bless!

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So, so sorry. I've had to put down 3 that I'd extensively cared for for months. It is so, so, so hard, I know.

That is very sweet memorial you made for Runt! What a dear-heart she must have been. I'm very sorry for your loss. I will pray for healing for your heart.

pip&sqeek2 im so very sorry.i think i will have to put queeny down tomorrow.
its been a long hard 2 weeks,but i didnt mind.but i think to keep going would be abusing her and i dont want to do that.
no.but shes been on 2 different antibiotics and the vit.e and b for 2 weeks.shes actually worse.i could only get her to eat once today.she just sleeps and has been breathing out of her beak,(beak opening and closing) when you pick her up theres just nothing to her.she not even that warm.so i guess the dh will do the deed tomorrow.i feel bad for him,he really hates to do it.i cant see prolonging her suffering any longer.i was suppose to take her back to the vet monday but i really dont see the point.

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