whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

Can you tell me what exactally the B vitamins do? and do you know if it would be okay to give the polyvisol w/o iron to my one hen who is molting and looks kinda peekid? I am happy for ya'll that your roo is doing better, hope he continues to feel better everyday. Isn't it funny how attached we get to these little critters
Earlier in this thread is a good explanation on Vitamin B. It has to do with the nerves or something like that. I read it all, but it was a few days ago and, unlike a sponge, I do not retain.
Here is how she sits all day. If she tries to walk, she will usually end up falling on her face.



This looks like what a lot of us have had. Try the Vitamin B Complex. Can't hurt, as far as I know, and it sure may help. Good luck! I guess you had read this whole thread? Give her all you can get down her. Put it in all food and water...all day. I kept mine away from the others so I could be sure she was the one getting it. She started improving in just a few days. I was truly amazed! Let us know how she does.
yes, I gave her one pill mashed up with some yogurt every night for about 3 weeks. No improvement. I can try giving her two pills every night. Do you think that will be too much?
I originally heard to give her all I could get down her, so everything she put in her mouth, all day every day, had vitamin B in it. I got the capsules and dumped the powder in her water and put more powder in her food. She was isolated in a cage by herself and had no access to anything that didn't have the powder in it.
Mine had been down for only a few days when I started. If yours has been down for several weeks, it might take longer to get good results. My hen showed absolutely no other signs of being sick at all. She was alert, kept trying to stand up, and seemed to eat OK. I'm sure it wasn't as good with the powder in it, but she ate most everything I gave her anyway.
Just try giving her a lot of the vitamin...make sure it is the complex, which includes several different vitamin B forms...Thiamin, Riboflavin, Folic Acid, etc. I got this from a local Texas grocery store, but it is put out by Nature's Way. I assume there are plenty of others, but I just grabbed this and ran with it, hoping for the best. The bottle says it is for "energy and nerves".
You sure can't take B complex on an empty stomach it will make you sick to your stomach. Seems the best would be yogurt since they usually eat it real well. I hope she shows signs of improvement soon.
Wow - sure hope a simple vitamin does the trick for you. As I said, my girl showed great improvement for a few months too - everything was back to normal except that she slept on the dropping board rather than on the roost (too high and balance would have been needed), no eggs and no scratching. Otherwise fine. Then she crashed and 2 days later, died.

Hope you don't have what I did.

Best of luck to all dealing with this.

Oh also - vitamin B has never given me a sick stomach and I'm sensitive to vitamins. It's water soluble, so I doubt you can give too much. Just my opinion
Is she able to get on the roost? Are the others picking on her? Sure looks neurological to me. And much like my hen.

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