whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

The pills are the complex. The ones I have are orange pills that I crush up into powder, not capsules. I have her separated in a dog pen with one other extremely sweet hen who wouldn't hurt a fly. They both live well together. If she went back into the flock like she is now, she would get picked on. Like I mentioned a few times, this has been going on for 3-4 months. I think I have what I have tried in another post but ill type it again in case you all didn't see. She cannot get on any roosts.

Here's what I have tried

-vit B (trying it again now)
-Wheat germ (vit E)
-eggshell& oyster shell
-PolyViSol baby vit drops

I think that's all.
You have tried about everything there is to try, it sounds like. She must be a very healthy chicken if this has gone on for this long with no other symptoms. I wish I knew the name of whatever this syndrome is that these little things have! I had started another thread about this, but can't even remember when it was now. Not too long ago, though.
One person posted that her chickens legs AND wings were totally paralyzed. The Vit. B pulled her through.
I hope that a real flush, (all day every day for however long it takes), with this vitamin will bring good results. The "chicken people" I have come in contact with, have never seen this before. Of course a vet that deals with chickens would know, but my vet does not see them for the most part.
I have tried multivitamins with proteins, and selenium. Also i am giving him antibiotics for respiratory diseases. Last week i de-wormed him, because i thought that he had problems due to weight loss. I am not sure if he will make it or not.
I may have mentioned earlier but I don't remember. My hen is losing a lot of weight. She is very light and thin. That's why I wormed her. It could be different kinds of worms, but I only did wazine for roundworms.

It could be because she doesn't eat a lot. I am gone during the day but when I'm home, I move her near the food but after she eats and drinks, she goes somewhere else, usually falling over on the way.
I had a chick with similar symptons, I did Avain Charge 2000 Vit B complex and Vit E. That was not enough.
I had to to a flush to get rid of toxins. Get Slow as Molassas brand molassas I think I found that 1 Tablespoon per Quart of water.
To tell the truth, I just pored some in and mixed it up. Her poo turnd a dark brown to a wine color and smelled really bad.
She got better and ended up being the best layer we had out of 12 girls.

she went from this

to this

Another thing to think about is wazine may not be enough if you have parasites I use Ivomec pore on for cattle.

Hope you find what works for your hen!!
From another poultry forum:

I'm sure people that read my posts probably get tired of the following diagnosis, but it is such a common disease, it's hard not to mention it. Older birds (older than 6 months, usually) are often struck with a disease called lymphoid leukosis. It is similar to mareks and causes very similar symptoms, but there isn't a vaccine for it. It causes so many different symptoms, but leg weakness, stumbling, paralysis (which can come on very quickly), diarrhea, lethargy, appetite loss, muscle wasting (emaciation), swollen abdomen and soured crop.

And :
You can try antibiotics, as there is a possibility that she has a bacterial infection. However, she more than likely has a disease that is very common and affects chickens of all ages (high risk: chickens coming into lay, Isa brown layers, hens over 3 yrs). Lymphoid leukosis is responsible for many deaths in backyard flocks and presents with a myriad of symptoms. Lethargy, stumbling, emaciation, loss of appetite, swollen abdomen, greenish/whitish droppings, black/green droppings, yellow urates, dehydration, souring of crop and "general malaise" are all symptoms and a hen or rooster can show all or just one or two of them. It can come on fairly quickly (over a few days) or it can take weeks to slowly take them over. Lymphoid leukosis is a form of cancer but it is caused by a virus. Once the bird has tumors form, there is no cure. A sick bird incubates the virus for 6 weeks before showing any signs of the disease and sheds the virus during this time, as well as when actively sick. If possible, isolate your sick hen and take care of her after all your other chores are done. Clean out your coop and spray with a disinfectant in the meantime.

The way I understand it (from what I've gathered from talking to my poultry pathologist) Lymphoid leukosis/mareks disease/reticuloendotheliosis (all viral cancers) can live in a chicken's system for years, but the bird may have the antibodies to fight it off. If their immune system is compromised or they no longer have the antibodies for the disease, it can take hold and cause illness. LL doesn't live dormant in the soil like some diseases can, and although not impossible, it's unlikely that the crows brought LL into your flock. It is possible, though, that the virus was transported to your flock via clothes, birds, shoes or other fomites - from a neighbouring chicken flock.

As for antibiotics, I would suggest trying baytril at a dose of 10 mg/kg (you can go up to 15 mg/kg) twice a day, orally for 4 days. If a major improvement is evident, continue for another 3 days. If there is no major improvement, then it is likely cancer. There will usually be a slight improvement from the antibiotics, even if it is cancer, but it won't be as dramatic as it would be if the disease was a bacterial infection. Crop infections can cause similar symptoms, as can gut infections. Baytril will knock these infections out very quickly.

Have any of ya'll looked up Lymphoid Leukosis? sounds simular to what you describing. Plus i had just read on the forum in the last few days not to worm and use antibiotics together too hard on the birds
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