whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

I googled it too. Many times. Rarely was the symptom 'unbalance' mentioned. Also, my hen was hardly wasting. Yet there it it - right there in the necropsy. She was full of tumors. That's pretty good proof, I'd say

I guess you must mean Thiamin deficiency...?

Oh gosh.....what a slip up! LOL Yes - I mean thiamin deficiency! Don't know why Lithium popped up in my mind. Good grief!
Of course the tumors is proof enough, and it could be that mine has that too. I still watch her and look for anything that seems abnormal, and the only thing is that I don't think she is laying. But I have several others that don't lay, so I may be looking for trouble where there is none. Time will tell, I know. She came to us right after hatching, and there was another BR in the group. Her sister didn't grow as fast as she did...but of course the eggs may not have come from the same chicken.
Whew. Too many unknowns here!
Yep - mine wasn't laying either...of course.

You're right - time will tell. Keep us posted and best of luck. Absolutely no harm in trying the vitamins
Read about Thiamine deficiency, and mine didn't have those symptoms either. No problems with neck or head, no star gazing, etc. She ate well. On the first day when she was not able to sit at all, I held her in position and let her eat that way. I could hear her smacking as her little beak clicked together. I cried. Still cry thinking about it. I was so afraid she might be dying then. But after that first day, she could scoot to her food (and always ate...even with that nasty yellow Vit. B stuff in the food). She didn't act sick in any way at all. Poop was normal. I did notice her feet felt terribly hot, and I bathed her one day when she had been sitting in poop. I also dusted her with Sevin just to try to cover everything. I thought the bath would cool her feet but it didn't. Come to think of it...I haven't felt her feet since she has been "well". I'll do that tomorrow. It could be it was just normal, but I thought they felt hotter than other chicken's feet did. Plus I was looking for anything that might be a symptom.
I took another look at your video and if what she was doing (at the beginning of the clip) was mostly sitting back on her legs, that's not the same thing my girl was doing. Was she balancing herself with her wing when she walked? Seems different than mine. Mine never sat on her haunches. How old is your hen?
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I dldn't post a video....I wonder if you are referring to pictures...not video...of chicklvr's chicken sitting on haunches. Post 323. Or maybe there was a video somewhere down the line.
That is fantastic news! I hope he continues to improve - keep us posted.

So what do you think? If the bitamin B saved him, was he deficient? And if so...why?

Other than the weakness in the legs none of the other symptoms of vitamin B deficiency were obvious. There was no Loss of appetite, Emaciation, noticeable Dermatitis or Feathering abnormalities. He remained alert and full of energy throughout the entire process.
Since Ziva was only 3 weeks old when this happened to "her" (I now think that she's not a she), I doubt this was her problem. She had only had symptoms for about 36 hours when I found this thread and started the vitamin B therapy. I saw the change in her within 8 hours of the first dose and 2 hours after the second dose. Like Tom, I'm continuing to give vitamin B in their water (must be made fresh daily). I'm using Rooster Booster Vitamin and Electrolyte powder.

I have to wonder if there could be an ingredient or substance in feed that is binding up or depleting the vitamin B or even toxic, like the melamine in pet food in 2007. In my case, I was feeding Nutrena and who knows where Cargill gets their ingredients from. I even found out the organic food I chose second gets their soybean meal from CHINA! Yes, China says it is "organic" but call me skeptical. I'm now transitioning over to organic and locally sourced (to me) Cascade feeds by Magill Ranch.

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