whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

I'm wondering if I have a "here we go again" situation. I have a nice big rooster that I saw was limping badly this week-end. He was walking, but wanting to sit a lot. Left leg juts outward at the joint, so I wondered if it was maybe broken. Surely not. This morning he definitely looks worse and was picked on terribly by another rooster...we have blood on the front porch. I don't know what to do except put him in a cage where they can't get to him, and start with the Vitamin B. He went to roost last night with the others, and hasn't looked like he was sick, but this morning is a different story.
What would you do? I really hate this part of life with the chickens!
do you think maybe the other roo might have hurt him? you really need to seperate him from the others till you know what is going on with him. Giving him some vits couldn't hurt. Hope he gets better quick
I have a chicken who can't stand and is eating and drinking but skinny. I started vitamin b and poly vi sol today with an antibiotic to help her while laying down not moving alot
I have just put my rooster in a cage by himself, with hay to sit on, food, and water laced with Vit. B. Some of the others are gathered around, wondering what is going on, and trying to get to his food (which is the same food they eat!). He was just hatched this year. Has been big and healthy with a beautiful big comb, until now. He is cowering a bit, but did protest loudly when I picked him up to put him in the cage. I guess there is nothing else I can do for now.
Chickfan,sorry about your roo. Sounds like you are doing everything you can.

Update: I gave my hen a ton of vit B the other day. The next few weeks, I'm planning on almost drowning her in vit B. I have tried vit B before, just not so much of it. If it doesn't work this time, I will look into doing the online vet thing. I know I have to pay, but I just can't keep doing what I'm doing now. She literally falls on her face and now she is starting to fall on her back. She is not laying and is losing tons of weight. She does sit on her hocks all day and I am suprised she hasn't injured her head from falling on it so much.
I sure hope the Vit. B works. I just feel so bad for these little critters, and for us for getting so emotionally attached! I had to be out several hours this afternoon, and started thinking about my rooster and how much he MIGHT be hurting after the other one attacked him this morning. I had to fight the tears several times. He looked pretty pitiful when I left....had only one eye opened and his head was down resting on his beak. I was so afraid he'd be dead when I got home, and rushed out to check on him before even unloading my groceries. He was standing, both eyes open, and making chicken noises, so maybe he is better. I'll give him fruit with the vitamin in it tomorrow. So far he is just eating dry chicken food, like normal. I can see that he has been drinking the water with the vitamin, so that is good.
Keep posting!
Oh chickfan sounds encouraging! Hope he continues to improve. Even if he seems alot better tomorrow I would still keep him away from the others till he 100%.
I definitely will keep him in the cage for several days, if he does improve. I don't want him getting injured any more, by the others. He had actually been the "meany" in the group of several roosters. I have never seen him try to mate a female (which doesn't mean that he hasn't) but I have seen him peck at them quite a bit. I hated when he would do that, but I hate more to see him all beaten down like he is now. Poor sweet baby.
Since Ziva was only 3 weeks old when this happened to "her" (I now think that she's not a she), I doubt this was her problem. She had only had symptoms for about 36 hours when I found this thread and started the vitamin B therapy. I saw the change in her within 8 hours of the first dose and 2 hours after the second dose. Like Tom, I'm continuing to give vitamin B in their water (must be made fresh daily). I'm using Rooster Booster Vitamin and Electrolyte powder.

I have to wonder if there could be an ingredient or substance in feed that is binding up or depleting the vitamin B or even toxic, like the melamine in pet food in 2007. In my case, I was feeding Nutrena and who knows where Cargill gets their ingredients from. I even found out the organic food I chose second gets their soybean meal from CHINA! Yes, China says it is "organic" but call me skeptical. I'm now transitioning over to organic and locally sourced (to me) Cascade feeds by Magill Ranch.

Agreed - not at all the right age.

Good point . That's what the vet said - either they are getting a bad diet or something is stopping the absorption of the vitamin.
I am reading that their food may make them sick. Well a few weeks back I noticed my chick stater was very clumpy almost like it was wet. I brought it back to the feed store and showed them and they gave me a new bag. Not before my chicks had been eating it for 3 days. Could this cause my chicken to stumble like this???

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