whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

I have been crushing b12 in her food and she is walking around this morning with out falling. I also am giving yogure poly vi sol and anti biotics. No I did not see bugs in the food it just looked like it had gooten wet very clumpy.
valsey did you say this is pretty common in older chickens? and you've already had one or 2 with LL? and how old is your hen 97? maybe a link there somewhere with the age anyway.


totally agree. IMO these younger chickens probably don't have LL. The older gals, however....
I'm actually not sure how old she is. I got her from an auction about a year ago as a full grown hen so she is at least about 2 years old, but probably older. She was still laying before this whole mess started, so she's not so old that she can't lay eggs.
Here is a video I took a few minutes ago. The yellow water is the vitamin B complex. She was drinking it before I took this video. Sorry about the guinea chirps and rooster crowing in the background. She is in quarintine, it just doesn't sound like it! She's in a fence.
The hen you see her run into in the end is the hen I was talking about in the first few posts. She survived a raccoon accident and is still recovering (almost fully recovered)

Here is the video
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gosh 97 I don't know how you can watch her like that. I was very upsetting to me. I am so sorry I sure wish I could help but from the first video to this one she looks much worse. you did look up lymphiod leukosis and her symptoms don't match it? I don't remember at what age chickens are more likely to get LL
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This sure looks like what my hen was doing a couple of months ago. However, after staggering around she gave up and didn't try to run like yours is doing. She was in a cage so she might have tried it if she had been in a larger place, but in the cage when she would try to stand, her legs wouldn't hold her. She didn't have enough space to try to take off running. When she first started with this problem, she used her wings a lot to try to help keep her balance, like yours seems to be doing.
In this video, she doesn't look "sick". She looks like her legs won't work. She must have a lot of energy to force her legs to at least move her.
So now I have to wonder if it is better for her to continue to move her legs like this, or if it would be better if she just didn't try and rested for a few days. I have no clue. I guess it could go either way.
I don't know what to say. I guess from the luck I had with mine, I would just suggest you keep forcing the Vit. B down her in every way you can think of.
I really want to hear how she does, and I wish you all the luck!
It could possibly be LL. A few of the symptoms match, but not all. I guess I'm in denial since there is no cure for LL.

You are right, it is extremely hard for me to see her like this, and I ask myself if I am being fair keeping her alive or if she would be better off in peace. I just do not want to give up on her. She has been like this for months and I hate to let go now.

I am almost drowning her in vitamin B. I gave her some grqpes with vitamin B and some water full of vitamin B and I put it in her food. I hope this works!
Yours was the one that had paralyzed legs and wings wasn't it? What an amazing recovery she made! Mine was not paralyzed....she just lost strength in her legs. But she could still move them. And I guess the Vit. B helped her. She had only been down for just a few days when I started the vitamin though. Maybe she would have gotten better with or without it...or worse. Who knows? How frustrating it is not to know!

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