whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

Yes, Baby was paralyzed for 3 weeks before I learned of and started vit B therapy. I have had to put a brace on his foot one time since then but only for a few days. He too might have improved without the vit B, you just never know.
I have a hen who is paralyzed and not responding to vit B. She started by laying an egg without a shell. I decided it could be a calcium deficiency in her case. She was paralyzed for 3 weeks or more before I started giving her tums dissolved in her water. She is starting to move her wings and legs a little. Its going to be a long road back for her since she is not a young chick like Baby was.
I guess they are just like people.....one can get someting that none of the others get, even though they have the same food, same environment, etc. I wish we had a chicken vet on staff at BYC!!! Maybe he wouldn't charge too much to be on call for us when we have questions.....wouldn't that be neat?
That would be neat but they all say the same thing...."la dee da, but I need to see your chicken to know for sure..." at 50 dollars a pop too. Im just glad to have caring folks on here with a wealth of experience. Really, it is the experience that produces the knowledge.
I agree regarding the advice from those who learned by doing. You guys have helped me out of several scrapes during my chicken adventure, and for that I'm so very grateful!
I have a hen in a similar situation and just wanted to let everyone know that I contacted Peter Brown the online Chicken Dr. guy. He recommended tumeric (3 capsules per day) and 2 baby aspirins per day. He seemed to think it was Mareks. I don't know. He didn't ask for a lot of detail.

I am going to try. He said to wrap the tumeric capsule in a little bit of the soft part of white bread and stick it down her gullet. I'm not going to do that so I put one capsule on her scrambled egg today. She ate it but was also panting after. I don't know if it was kind of spicy for her or what. I am going to put the aspirin in water. not going to stick those down her throat either.

The tumeric is to enhance the immune system to resist the Mareks virus and the aspirin for inflammation.

I think she has an injury personally but the clinic I work at doesn't seem to want to xray a chicken. I don't know why!

Good luck to everyone. I think the chicken with the possibly moldy food had botulism.

The problem is that many different diseases can cause the same symptom ie. not being able to walk. Of course a chicken with an undiagnosed broken pelvis will not respond to vitamin B. Neither will botulism. Vitamin B will work if there is a vitamin B deficiency.
Thanks for the reply and thanks for my PM. Did you look at the video? Its on post #385. If you think that is what your hen is doing, I may try the tumeric & baby asprin. What do you think?
Good morin, I was thinking maybe if you put her in a smaller area where she can rest more and not move around so much it might help. I don't know 97 just wish there was something could be done to help. At this point I think I'd try just about anything. Maybe what Qi was talking about. you can buy tumeric in the spices at the grocery store. And it does cause heat, so wouldn't be too bad since it's starting to cool off some, at least here anyway. Keep us posted.
My chicken who looks the same way who I thought for sure had marek's the vet said no she got into molded food. That is why I see no other chickens sick with it because they are on different feed than she is. She is my only bird on grower at this time, all the others are on chic starter or layer pellets.
Before this whole thing started, she ate layer crumbles stored in a dry metal trashcan. The feeder Is kept under a tarp so that stays dry. I honestly don't think its moldy food because they don't ha access to wet or moldy food.

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