whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

Day to day today she is up wa;ling and eating barely stumbling at all. I kept her on vit b12 poly vi sol and antibiotics. Only time will tell I guess.
It does appear baby might be having seizures. I have a serama hen here who has them or I should say used to have them if you so much as looked at her. My MIL is into homeopathy and gave me some remedies to try, one was a head injury remedy and the other was an injury combo. I couldn't tell ya what was in them but I had to give the remedy to her with a dropper into her eye while she was seizing. She is normal today with very minimal seizures. Perhaps that could work for your hen provided you can track someone down in your area who practices homeopathy? Poor baby I sure hope she comes around soon
This is the advise dlhunicorn gave me for the hen who was having neurological symptoms altho I opted to go with homeopathy (much cheaper) but perhaps this could help your hen as well.

It is very easy for birds to become deficient in vit/micro nutrients.... this often causes neurological symptoms. The NRC minimum recquirements on Vit E are out of date (the commercial industry commonly adds supplement to their feeding system).
I strongly urge you to get AviaCharge 2000 , which is one of the beest general supplements with all the basic, and micronutrient vitamin / nutritional supplements (can be purchased online from McMurry) > in addition to that some wheatgermoil through her feed (a tsp or so ) daily thru her feed for a couple months. You can also give her the contents of a human vitE geltab .
Termeric is also found in curry, which I feel sure can be found in the spice section of the grocery store. I wonder how many mg. is recommended. I take it in the form of Curcumin, which I order from a place called VitaCost, I believe. Mine has 527 mg. of termeric. I see the termeric from the place the poster above posted, there is 400 mg. Maybe it doesn't make any difference.
My hen is still the same. In a little bit I am going to move her to a little rabbit hutch that a rabbit used to live in before we let him "free range" in the fence. That way she doesn't have to move a lot.

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