whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

One of my hens, Florentine, died - she had the same symptoms. I isolated her and kept her clean and gave her vitamins and feed and yogurt with egg yolks, and some Braggs ACV in her water about once a week. Finally, she could not stand at all and laid on her side..she got weaker and weaker and one day I couldn't stand seeing her suffer any more, so I took her to the vet and had her put down. It almost killed me, but the nurses and the vets were so sensitive to what I was feeling...they sedated her a little, then when she was calm and sleeping, they put her down, then brought her out to me so I could take her home and bury her. I can tell you it was a very painful experience for me...I thought she had fallen from the roost and injured herself because she was on the floor of the henhouse one morning when I went to let all the birds out. I couldn't feel any lumps or bones sticking out, and she never acted like she felt pain when I picked her up. I took her out and just held her in the crook of my arm when raking the pen, but she was not even interested in visiting her friends. I knew it was time, so I had mercy on her...hurts.
The price of love is often grief and I know how hard it is to make a decision to put down one of your birds. Sometimes you have to.
I'm so sad about your chicken....I get tears in my eyes just thinking about how hard it is when that time comes. Somehow it seems like knowing that you are doing the right thing, just isn't quite enough consolation. It just hurts, period.
I'm sorry to hear about your chicken. I know its hard for you, as it would be hard for me as well.

Valsey, she has not been laying at all. I think I will get some yogurt tonight and give it to her each night until its gone. Sorry , but what is her keel bone?

She is eating a lot when she can, but when she lived in the dog pen, it was so big that she couldn't get to her food often so that may be why. Now since she's in the rabbit hutch I will wait a week or two and see if she fattens up since her food will be right with her.
Obviously her not laying is another symptom that she is sick.

The keel bone: run your hand down the front of her body from the neck going down. About half way between her abdomen and her neck, you should feel the keel bone. I think it's what separates the breasts. It's a large flat bone. You will feel the front of it (not the side). Here's a diagram. I think that's how you tell their condition....whether she's underweight, overweight or in good condition.

Were you able to contact the state vet?

Thanks for the diagram and explanation. Yes, her keel bone is sticking out. I can almost fit one hand around her whole body under her wings. I haven't contacted the vet yet. I haven't had much time though. I am hopefully going to tonight or tomorrow. I will let you all know first thing though when I do.
I sure hope you can get some answers soon, I know it has to be breaking your heart watching her like she is. so many have recently lost their special chicken for one reason or another, they can sure find a place in our hearts quick. Will be thinking of everyone who has posted here about losing one. Looking forward to hearing what the vet will have to say about your little hen 97.
I just went outside to check on her and noticed that the tip of her beak was bleeding. There was blood around her food bowl. Poor girl chipped the top of her beak falling into her food.

I am hoping to contact the vets tonight. I will let you know what I find out.
I highly doubt the vet will be available at 7:00 in the evening. I'm sure those folks are busy and it may take a few tries before you reach someone. It's something you would probably want to start on during morning hours.

It's your hen, and it's not my place to tell you what to do, but it may be time to get a little more aggressive about finding out the problem - or reevaluate your course of action. I'm not saying to put her down. I personally wouldn't if it we're me, but if she's injuring herself it would best to arrange the situation in a way that she doesn't hurt herself or drown. Something. And I'd get on those phone calls!
Update:: I emailed Dr. Barnes last night, a professor at NCSU that deals with chicken diseases, sicknesses etc. He replied this morning around 8 and was very nice. He asked if it was okay to refer my email to Dr. Robbins, a senior resident that is designated to handle small flock problems.

He also offered to give us a tour of the vet college and show me around. He was extremely nice and hopefully within a few days I will get a reply from Dr. Robbins.
Thank goodness 97, now maybe you can get to the bottom of her problem. I too live in N.C. so nice to know theres someone we can turn to for answers. Keep us updated. Your a cool dude

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