whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

Yes, I heard from Dr. Robbins. He has an idea on what is wrong but he said it would be difficult to give her an exact diagnosis.
He asked a few more questions to help him get a better idea on what was wrong.
I'm waiting on my reply. I got this email yesterday so I will probably get it today or tomorrow.

He was also very nice. I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but my sister goes to NCState and my whole family is so impressed about how nice and friendly everyone is. I can't wait to go there in a few years :)
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More news. Got a reply from Dr. Robbins yesterday. He said since it happened suddenly, it sounds like trauma or head injury. He said it could be a tumor pressing on her spinal cord or a bacterial infection, but that would have happened slowly instead of suddenly.

He told me that it could not be cured, espically this late in her life. He said I could bring her to NCState and they would euthanize (sp?) her and they would do a necropsy free of charge. I may take her up to State one day soon and let them do it. Its going to be extremely hard for me, but I would rather her die in a peaceful sleep other than her suffer. It will also be nice to realize what's wrong so I will know if this happens again.
Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm sure you'll make the right decision when the time comes - no matter what you decide.

Won't they do a necropsy if she passes away on her own?

I know this is very hard for you...it's never easy. That, unfortunately, is the sad part about keeping animals.

Keep us posted - I'm sending positive thoughts your way...
Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm sure you'll make the right decision when the time comes - no matter what you decide.

Won't they do a necropsy if she passes away on her own?

I know this is very hard for you...it's never easy. That, unfortunately, is the sad part about keeping animals.

Keep us posted - I'm sending positive thoughts your way...

yes, Im pretty sure they will if she passes on her own. I didn't put it word for word but he said when I think her life isn't worth it anymore and she is suffering too much then I could bring her to State and they would take care of everything. Although I have been in denial, I think its passed time to put her down. It breaks my heart seeing her struggle to walk,fall against the walls and flip over. Also, it is getting hard to care for her. She knocks over her food and water all the time and she kicks bedding into her food/water. It will be extremely hard for me to give up on her, but I think she would rather be in peace then suffering like this. She is in no condition to be living.
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yes, Im pretty sure they will if she passes on her own. I didn't put it word for word but he said when I think her life isn't worth it anymore and she is suffering too much then I could bring her to State and they would take care of everything. Although I have been in denial, I think its passed time to put her down. It breaks my heart seeing her struggle to walk,fall against the walls and flip over. Also, it is getting hard to care for her. She knocks over her food and water all the time and she kicks bedding into her food/water. It will be extremely hard for me to give up on her, but I think she would rather be in peace then suffering like this. She is in no condition to be living.

Poor, poor thing. So sad, but it is probably best. At least you know you did everything you could for her...and I'm sure she knows it too. It's very heartbreaking.
Agreed. At least I know I did everything I could. I usually like to fix broken things and look for answers. At least I will find the answer.
Uh-oh! That sounds ALL TOO FAMILIAR! I know exactly what you mean. I've found some things in life to be very frustrating because of these qualities. But - I wouldn't change a thing...

And now I'm off to fix my own broken things...fences! At least there's no emotion involved with that! : )
This is so sad! But if it hurts you to just watch her trying to survive, you can imagine how it is for her. Having to make decisions like this for any animal you are attached to (or even if you are not...it hurts to see anything hurt)is just horrible. Knowing it is the best is not a lot of help right now, I'm sure. I had one die in my hands when I was trying to help her, maybe a year ago. I'm not over it yet.
Many hugs for you. You are a good chicken mama! And it certainly will help to know what the problem has been. I hope you find some answers.

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