whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

I never heard of the liver treatment but others have also recommended vit E. I would try that in the form of a muli vit crushed and added to food/water. Again, I have had mixed success with any treatment Ive given to my ill hens and roos....some respond and make it through but most do not. Chickens ARE NOT known for their strong immune systems.
Ok, thanks for your replies. Well I have now managed to get a very tiny piece of beef liver, guess I'll try it since I've now got it. But might continue the Vitamin B therapy a bit longer first. He's seemed a little lethargic yesterday and I was worried he just might not make it, but today he's eaten constantly throughout the day and is very very bright and alert. His strength is definately coming back too. I've made him a sling that he sits in all day long, and when I take him out at night he fights me now and flaps his wings and struggles. And tonight he's been trying to stand while I've been trying to get him to sit down on the shaving in the coop. His legs are definately not paralysed, I feel him pushing with his legs against me strongly. Will keep everyone posted as to his progress....tonight we're hopeful for a full recovery!

Thanks Robin, I'll try some vitamin E too. Wondering if some wheatgerm would be good enough for a vitamin E boost?

Miss Lydia - thank you for the advice about ordering Poultry Nutri Drench online. I'll definately look into this...although we are on a somewhat restricted budget so this may not be an option.

~ Angela
Ok, thanks for your replies. Well I have now managed to get a very tiny piece of beef liver, guess I'll try it since I've now got it. But might continue the Vitamin B therapy a bit longer first. He's seemed a little lethargic yesterday and I was worried he just might not make it, but today he's eaten constantly throughout the day and is very very bright and alert. His strength is definately coming back too. I've made him a sling that he sits in all day long, and when I take him out at night he fights me now and flaps his wings and struggles. And tonight he's been trying to stand while I've been trying to get him to sit down on the shaving in the coop. His legs are definately not paralysed, I feel him pushing with his legs against me strongly. Will keep everyone posted as to his progress....tonight we're hopeful for a full recovery!

It sounds encouraging, and like you have been giving him some careful, caring care.

For vitamins:

Can you get a children's vitamins supplement liquid at a local store or clinic? A kind you give with an eyedropper. It needs to be a supplement that doesn't have extra iron added.

If so, that might be a good economical alternative. You would just give a couple drops 2-3 times a day.
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Well he's been making some progress and even put on a little bit of weight. Then today he has been badly bitten by a lot of little red fire ants! He's stopped eating and drinking, is sleeping lots with his head hanging down and his comb which was a very bright healthy red is now turning purple!! Made an emergency trip to the 24 hour vet tonight. She didn't know anything about chickens but gave him an anti-allergy shot with something else in it to take his fever down. HELP!! Does anyone know of anything else I can do to help him....it's not looking good tonight!
What an unexpected added challenge!
I will pray for you and him.

If he seems to still have significant swelling after the shot wears off, I found this on a thread about red ants, & I bet it would help with fire ant bites, too:

ZuniBee: Not sure what the chickens would do but when we raised ostrich the chicks would eat the ants and get bit in the throat. They would have a bad reaction with swollen throats and die. The way we learned to cure this problem was to give a few drops of children's Benadryl. They would be back to normal within 20 to 30 minutes.
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Im so sorry to hear you lost him. Poor thing, at least he is not suffering now. When I lost my paralyzed hen after caring for her for almost a year my good friend said well at least she is not paralyzed any longer and you know, she is correct. My little girl can fly with the others now. So can your boy. Take care.
I am posting here because I've only read 22 pages and need to read the rest. My 2 1/2 month cochin has these symptoms also. If I don't post I won't be able to find this again...........
I am posting here because I've only read 22 pages and need to read the rest. My 2 1/2 month cochin has these symptoms also. If I don't post I won't be able to find this again...........
not thumbs up that your hen has these symptoms, hope you find some help on here and thumbs up that you care enough to continue to read this thread.
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