What's Your Chickens names and Why are they named that?

When I run out of beauty names will have to use celebrities or booze themed names.

Rooster-Tom Cruise
Broody hen- Angelina
The one that picks fights- Jack Daniels

Buff Orp's are Lily and Sunshine
Silver Polish are Lilo and Stitch
BRs are Grumpy and Mama cause she always looks out for Lilo and Stitch - they are 2 weeks younger than the rest
RIRs are Robin and Chanel
and last but not least is Coco, who was suppossed to be a chocolate runner duck but is blue instead. But at 6 weeks, she seems to know her name and runs right up to us when called. So we can't change it now.
Edie - White Leghorn
Bottle - Black Sex Link
Pooh - Barred Plymouth Rock

Sunny the Sun - Silver Spangled Hamburg

My four year old daughter named them all. Also have 2 Buff Rocks, but don't know their names yet.. They're around 7 or 8wks I think..
Big Kahuna - blue partridge silkie roo
Crimson and Clover - Ameraucanas hens

I also have a white and a splash silkie hens. debating on their names...

either Spruzzata (splash) or Pallette Pintado (painted pallete) for the splash

either Lona Blanca (blank canvas) or Le Blanc a Monte (White Rose) for the white.
So far, I have named two of my chicks (out of 10). Whoopi, because I have a black australorp that has a personality bigger than life, she is so funny to watch and she reminds me of Whoopi in Sister Act with the way she is always singing. The other, a buff orpington, is named skunk butt because she was a pasty chick.

The kids have suggested several names for the others, but none have stuck like Whoopi and Skunk Butt.
Ruby- RIR, Obvious reasons
Chirpy- Red Star, Mark liked the name and she was a noisy little chick
Lucille- Red Star, after the quintessential "Red" Star Lucille Ball
Bunny Foo Foo- EE, Not only is she and EE (complete with the puffy "bunny" cheeks, when she was a chick she'd go "bopping" over everyone else's heads en route to the food. Now she's by far our "wild hare".
Queenie- I live with an Englishman. It was inevitable.
Tilly- GLW, she's my Chantilly "Lace" girl
Dot- GLW, obvious reasons
Billy/Billie- B&W Polish Bantam (sex still unknown)- Hair like Billy Idol

Fluff- Cochin Bantam (sex still unknown) One big ball of fluff!
Sal/Sally- Mallard Duckling (sex still unknown)- 5 year old chose the name
Faux Gras- Mallard Duckling (sex still unknown)- The Englishman's pun, lamenting the fact that none of the kids are for eating
Mo- Crested Duckling (sex still unknown)-My Mother had a pet duckling as a child called Mo (who met an unfortunate end when she "loved" him a little too tightly). Also, the crest looks like a little mohawk.
I haven't named any of my 5 Barred Rocks because they all look the same, but my black bantam is Raven because she looks like one. (She looks more like a crow, but I liked Raven:D) My little Cochins are Spot (because of her one black feather on her side) and Other White Bantam (yes, that is the best I could come up with.
We gave our ladies "mom" names. We just looked at them and thought of a name that seemed to fit them.

Lois- EE
Wilma- RIR
Jill- White Leghorn
Jane- Welsummer
Edith- blue Cochin
Gloria- lemon blue Cochin
Maggie- barred cochin
Mr. T- golden laced Cochin rooster
I have only named the hens that have gone broody this time round. Belle, Helga and Wilma. Belle is real sweet, a good mom and sings pretty. Helga is a BIG blue Cochin, it just fit. And Wilma is a BIG splash blue Cochin that reminds me of a woman in town.
Sidney- Named after my ex- boyfriend

Cookie- BR so black and white
Nugget- MF booted bantam aka "bup bup" as he is small like a nugget and runs around going "bup bup bup...."
Peep- his hen (marshmallow peeps, got her near easter)
Jett- Jett black bantam hen (1/2 MF 1/2 BR if you can believe it... weird combo, but she's gorgeous).

then the Shakespearian chickens:
there was an Ophelia... but she turned into an "Oliver" when she crowed

Then the "winedots" (wyandottes)
and Rose

6 week old EE's
Nate (was natalie) named after Sonew123
and Hope because she was born with rough navel and I "Hoped" she would live...

I also have 13 new BLRW's that are yet un-named... only a week old and too early to tell!

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