Wheezing 7 month old Ameracuana


6 Years
Aug 10, 2013
Surprise, Arizona
I just noticed that my 7 month old Ameracuana was sneezing this morning. Up until yesterday I noticed absolutely no problems with her, although she is the lowest on the pecking order. All of the hens have been together for 2-3 months, with no prior problems. It is in the 100's and the chickens have a run with a misting system as well as a coop that stays dry. They have access to a good quality organic layer feed, and oyster shells daily, as well as two different water sources. Yesterday they had a snack of 100% whole wheat bread, and she ate this like she normally does and I noticed nothing abnormal then. This morning she was weezing and sneezing but had no discharge coming from her eyes, nose or mouth. Her comb looked red like normal, and she did not appear to be breathing laboriously. Her eyes were bright, and she was behaving normally.

Unfortunately I had to come to work, so here I am at work, worrying about my chicken. My question is what should I do? Should I give it a day to get better by itself? Should I start on medication right away? I have both Tylan and Baytril at home, I'm just not sure what the dosage should be. Could someone please give me some advice? I'm so worried, and there is nothing that I can do until I get home...
She could have one of many respiratory diseases such as infectious bronchitis, mycoplasma (MG,) coryza, ILT, or aspergillosis. E.coli can sometimes be a secondary infection. Some of those can make infectious carriers of your flock. Tylan 50 dosage is 1/2 ml for a hen under 5 lb. 1 ml for over 5 lb, and 1/4 ml for a bantam once or twice daily given orally or as an injection into the breast 1/4 inch deep, for 3-5 days. Tylan Soluble powder dosage is 1 tsp per gallon of water for 3-5 days. Tylan is a good one for respiratory diseases. Here is a good link about respiratory diseases: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ps044
Thank you so much. I have started her on Tylan 50. She appears no worse tonight and is still eating, drinking and acting normally. Her poop looks normal as well. Really hoping she pulls through, she is such a sweet and beautiful hen and she just started laying.
I noticed she was not wheezing this morning, but she was doing something else. She was extending her neck (kind of like a rooster crowing) and making a noise that sounded a little like a shriek, a little like a donkey) is this a cough? Is there anyway to tell if it is gapeworm and not a respiratory illness?

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