Wheezing, Squeaking Chicken - Please Advise


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 12, 2009

My 8 month old Cukoo Marans started wheezing and making squeaking hiccup like noizes on christmas eve. She has been doing it ever since. She sometimes shakes her head and ruffles her fethers but otherwise seems very normal. She runs around, eats well (although she is Miss Piggy of the group), and her comb is of normal color. When I first noticed this I added some ACV to their water. For the first couple days after I noticed the wheezing she started sleeping in the nesting boxes, not going up to the roosting poles. For the past couple nights she has been sleeping up on the roosting poles as normal. She is still laying, and does not seem lethargic at all.

Other pieces of general info: I use the deep bedding method in the coop with 12 inches of pine shavings. The coop is heated to 37 deg F., outside it has been between 0 and 30 deg F. I shovel the snow out of their run, and cover the ground with leaves (otherwise they wont leave the coop in winter with the snow).

If it were not for the fact that she sounds somewhere between wheezing, and honking a clowns nose when she breaths (and not every time) I would not think anything was abnormal.

Today I minced up some garlic and gave it to all the girls.

Anyone have any ideas of what is going on? Is ACV and Garlic appropriate or should I be doing something more aggressive?

My other 6 girls seem completely fine.

Thanks in advance for your help!!

St. Paul, MN
I'm sorry, I truly don't know!
Good Luck!
I wonder if she could have inhaled a small bit of something that's obstucting her breathing? My white leghorn had something similar going on until she coughed up a piece of grain - she had been scarfing it down pretty greedily when this happened.

Good luck!
could be a respiratory disease, we had to treat 2 of ours 2 weeks ago. Tylan 50 injected in left breast.

when she is one or lap and you are petting her, does it sound like spurts of purring and wheezing? That's what mine did. They recovered perfectly. The antibiotic really works fast!

Of course going to the vet is a very good choice. I've gotten some will it is good-intentioned but bad/inappropriate advice on this forum. so my advice would be take to vet.
So with regard to isolation, I'm not sure it is really an option. With nighttime temperatures below 0, and only one coop/run I can't protect everyone from the cold/wind and provide isolation. I gave all of them ACV and garlic to help boost their immune systems.

I don't it's an obstruction as she has had it for a while, she eats well, and is still producing eggs. Her egg from yesterday was spotted on the outside. Her first couple were like that but have not seen them like that over a month (about how long she has been laying).

If it's a respiratory disease are there any options beyond injections? How do I know if it's a respiratory disease. I would prefer not to use antibiotics if I don't need to.
Try a little vixvapourrub? She may just have a little trouble breathing. Might clear her up.
Near her nostrils and in her wing pits.
hope shes better soon
Thought about bringing into the house but I understand there are some respiratory diseases that are transferable from chicken to human so confining her in the house with the rest of the family seems like the wrong approach.

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