Wheezy breathing, congestion caused by sour crop or something more? 8.5wk old RIR pullet.


Aug 19, 2022
Georgia, USA
Hi everyone, I could use a little help identifying what's wrong with my young pullet. Hopefully I summed everything up well enough:

The sick bird: is an 8.5 wk old RIR pullet named Marcy.

The other birds who are exposed but showing no symptoms:
  • Flockmates: six 8.5 old Crevecoeurs who live in the exact same conditions and follow the same schedule.
  • Semi-flockmates: two 6.5 wk old Leghorns that share the outdoor enclosure for a few hours a day and have a separate enclosure in my living room;.
  • Other possibly exposed birds: 6 Easter Eggers (10mo) that walk around the outside enclosure that the babies spend some of the day in and
  • & 1 Polish bantam (a little over 1yr) who I sometimes let in with the babies under supervision.
Housing: Marcy (the sick one) and her 6 Crevecoeur flockmates are currently housed in my living room in a large cage lined with potty pads followed by a layer of straw bedding. I clean the cage 2-3 times a week (every 3 days basically) They go outside in a 10x5' kennel run on our sandy soil for anywhere from 4-6 hours a day (they would get more time but gnats have been showing up late afternoon and start swarming so I end up bringing everyone back in by 4pm to avoid the gnats). I am currently working on getting their new coop built and the kennel properly reinforced so I can permanently move them outside. And once they're a few weeks older they'll get to free range all day with the big girls. (Pictures of both locations below...)

Past Health Issues: Marcy got sour crop (I believe) when she was just barely 3wks old. No idea why she got it. She was normal in the morning and by afternoon became lethargic. Her crop was full, very squishy like a water balloon, and felt gassy almost. She just laid in my hand and let me carry her around as I massaged her periodically. She didn't eat or drink most the day. I ended up getting Miconazole but I couldn't get her to take it. All the massaging seemed to help her pass some stool. Then she took the medicine on some egg. After that, she perked up. For the first two days occasionally her crop would seemingly fill with gas. It'd get squishy and full. I'd massage it and it'd go down. After that she was fine. She got scrambled egg and plain greek yogurt as treats. I kept up medication for 6 days I believe? I think she missed the final day of treatment unfortunately.

Duration of symptoms: Probably 6 days. I've been tending to her for 3 days.

Symptoms: I first noticed something was wrong when Marcy was constantly flicking her head over and over again. We've been having a problem with gnats so I thought that might've been the cause. I've been bringing them in early for the past couple weeks but I checked her nose just in case and it was free of debris/bugs.

The next day it started raining in the afternoon so I rushed everyone inside just in time before the downpour. Marcy got a tad wet but nothing the others didn't get. Everyone just kinda laid around bored for the rest of the day, as they do.

Day 3 it rained all day long so they all had to stay inside. I didn't notice anything up with Marcy since she, like the others, just laid around bored.

Day 4 Marcy was shaking her head constantly. She was also lethargic, just standing around not really doing much. That clued me in to something being wrong. Sometimes she fluffs her feathers up and just stands there like that. She didn't want to roost for the night either and instead just laid under the roosting bar so she'd be near her flockmates. I noticed she wasn't eating much so I checked her crop thinking she was having another bout of sour crop. It felt very full and had that squishy/airy feel to it. I began to treat her for sour crop.

Day 5 her crop got a bit airy and gassy again. I spent some time massaging, which she pooped during. When Marcy was outside, at one point she was standing there beak open and breathing kinda heavy. It wasn't hot out (probably about 68 degrees at the warmest). I picked her up and she sounded a bit gurgly. I opened her beak and she just let me - I knew she wasnt' feeling good for sure. Looking inside her beak it looked like she had clear mucus stretched from top to bottom on either side of her throat? I'll try to get a picture if I can get some help holding her later.

Day 6 Marcy is still under the weather. This is her 3rd day of being treated for sour crop. There's no more sour crop symptoms but the respiratory stuff is still going on. I investigated further. Her breathing is wheezy when I put my ear to her and listen. She sounds like me with my seasonal allergies, the poor girl. She's never been a very vocal pullet, but I've been noticing for days now that her chirps aren't crisp and clear. I thought that was just her voice, because I know how their voices kinda change as they get older and go from baby chirp to big girl bawk. But now I'm thinking it's congestion I'm hearing. Sometimes her chirps have gotten clear and crisp. In fact, her respiratory symptoms come and go. She seems to have bouts of it getting bad and then clearing up a bit. When she's cleared up, she starts to get a bit perky and will groom, dust bathe, and forage a bit. Maybe the treatment I'm giving her is helping? I can only hope. However, she hasn't eaten any of her feed today. Only thing I can get her to eat is cooked egg. She also feels a lot warmer than normal but maybe because she's spending most of her time laying down now by her water dish.

No runny nose. No bubbly eyes. No sneezing. No coughing. Just oddly congested and mucus in her throat.

Diet: Purina Flock Raiser crumbles. Some foraging (there's not much in the run, mostly sand, but there's little bits of grass here and there). Treats are hard boiled egg or scrambled egg. On rare occasion my family has fed plain cooked noodles but I told them no more in case the starches could be bothering her crop. Grit is provided. Also, the outside run is pretty sandy so they can ingest some sand for extra grit besides what I offer.

Stool: It was normal and more on the dry side when I first started massaging her crop - she'd poop during a massage and it'd just hit and roll. Not a lot of moisture to it. However, today it's been a lot wetter and I see her focusing more on drinking than eating. She's starting to sometimes pass a green stool too so I imagine that's bile from not eating a lot? Not sure. Could just be some grass she ate outside too.

Treatment thus far: This is her 3rd day of Miconazole. Crop is empty in the morning and it's not getting large and squishy anymore like it has the past two days. She had VetRX in the water a couple days ago. Today I put it straight on her by her nose, on her head and neck feathers, on her back, and under her wings. I'll be giving it in her water later and intend on continuing it. I've also decided to quarantine her just in case there's something more going on. I'll probably offer some garlic water too in case that could help.

Suspected issue: This is my first time dealing with a respiratory issue like this. My Crevecoeur Alice aspirated some moist feed when she was young - poor girl took weeks to get over that; just constant coughing and sneezing. I treated her with VetRX and garlic water. I'll be doing that with Marcy but I wanted to know what you all think could be going on. I've been reading into CRD and Coryza but honestly she doesn't have half the symptoms.

Marcy's living conditions inside:
Marcy's living conditions outside:
Marcy in quarantine starting today:
Marcy with the Leghorns yesterday:. She just kinda stood there spacing out.
Her stool in the morning and sometimes during the day:
Video of Marcy from today. She's a little perkier in the video than normal. I sadly couldn't get my phone to pick up on her wheezing or gurgly sounds.


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Marcy ate a whole bunch of fresh hard boiled egg (just the yolk) before going to bed.

This morning her crop was full and airy again. Been massaging her off and on. It really seems to soothe her. She'll lay on my lap and close her eyes while I massage, kinda leaning into the rubbing. Sits with her feathers fluffed a lot. Still has those moments of perkiness where she suddenly is a chicken again, pecks at my freckles or my clothes. Looks around. Tries to wander off. Pecks at various things on my phone screen. Then the lethargy gets her again.

She hasn't eaten since last night and shows no interest in food. She'll only drink. Gave her some NutriDrench in the morning before switching to regular water and forcing her to take today's Miconazole dose.

She pottied twice this morning, but just water and urates as expected due to her not eating... I feel at such a loss right now.

Marcy Water Poop.jpg

I tried to get a look inside her throat but she puts up such a fuss. I feel like I need 6 hands for this. Regardless, I didn't see any mucus in her throat and she hasn't been gurgly today. She doesn't really chirp but the rare times she's had, even though it's very quiet, it's clear now. I did notice in one of the attempted pictures, there's a strand of something under her tongue so maybe there is some more mucus. Perhaps the VetRX is helping.
Mouth 1.PNG
Mouth 2.PNG


Finally decided to let her outside with her friends for a bit. She pecked around, nibbled a tiny bit of dirt, drank, sun bathed a little, and actually nibbled a bit of their feed. Not enough to really call it "eating" but it's better than nothing. Went out and got some yogurt since that helped her a bit last time but who knows if it's any use to do now.

I really don't know what else I can do. Trying to figure out if this is sour crop, a respiratory issue, or both. Hopefully it's okay to keep treating her simultaneously for both with VetRX, NutriDrench, and Miconazole. I don't want to overwhelm her so I think I'll do Miconazole in the morning, some normal water for a bit before I switch to NutriDrench, and then some VetRX at night before bed.

Thinking I might have to start calling vets and see if anyone around here will look at a chicken. It was really hard finding a vet for my ferrets; she's an exotics so I guess I can see if she'll check out a chicken.
Marcy is still hanging in there. I keep her in my room at night and wake up periodically to check on her. She's a trooper and I can tell she's determined to keep going.

This morning I massaged her and took her outside for some fresh air and maybe dirt eating. She passed more than just water and urates while outside. One was green and the other was a cecal with green in it.


I'm wondering if some grass got impacted. They have grit available but I rarely see them eat it. But then, they don't really have much acces to grass. There's some grassy strands in the run and I know they pick at them so this could be it. Unsure.


I got some yogurt down her. Also her morning dose of Miconazole. She didn't willingly eat so I had to rub some on the side of her beak to get her to ingest it. She seemed worse today. After the morning poops, she's just been going water and urates but at least her system is moving.

Thankfully a few hours ago she started looking around like she wanted something. Even jumped down off the couch and started exploring the floor. So I offered her a little buffet of items. She ate a few pieces of grit, some sandy dirt, and finally got an urge to eat some feed. About an hour ago I gave her some more yogurt. I offered some feed in water, more like a soup, and she willingly drank a bunch.

She also had a really sticky poop, so sticky it was like cheese strung from her butt feathers to the ground. Cleaned her up and put some Miconazole on her cloaca.

She doesn't chirp anymore so I'm not sure how cleared up she is in the throat.

I'm so relieved seeing her seeking food. I have noticed her head smells funny. A little sour-ish. I feel certain she has a bad case of sour crop from mouth to vent. Might be an impaction there too. Been reading more threads and got some epsom salt so I can do a flush. I may grab some molasses too. I'll do some calling around to vets in my area.

If anyone has any advice I'd deeply appreciate it. Though, thanks to the forums here I've probably already found all the good info. Thanks to you guys and Marcy's fighting spirit we've come this far.

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