When breeds never seem to integrate.


9 Years
Feb 28, 2015
I have my 5 regular chickens and when I say regular, Rhode Island Reds, Transylvannia Naked Neck, Barred Rock,etc. I was given three hens that were really quite beautiful but, we all here on this forum, had a hard time defining them, but I think I have green legged partridge fowl. They followed the look of the breed I pulled up. Slim, green legs, have a wild look and color to them. It has been a month now and they are the most skittish bird I have ever seen, and haven't integrated with the others. The three stay to themselves and if you even LOOK at them, they panic. I am not sure what to do, as I doubt they will be comfortable using the nesting boxes the others do when the time comes. so I think I will put a couple extra boxes on the side of the coop where they tend to congregate the most.. My other chickens are quite friendly without fear and gather around me when I com in the coop and sit with them. I am wondering whether to give these wild ones to a friend, and try to find three more traditional hens. Sorry I went on so long. I want to be the best mama I can and I have always had chickens, but none like this. Thanks.
Some breeds are more skittish . Take it from me I have chickens but also waterfowl ... I have mallards that are very skittish and flighty.. But have calmed down a bit. It can take time but try putting them someplace where they can see the other chickens and those chickens can see them. But take so me time out of the day when you feed them try handling them and talking to them. They'll come around eventually it may take a few weeks. When they're ready try putting them with the other birds.

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