When can baby chicks go outside


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 5, 2012
We have four baby chicks, their about five and a half weeks old. We live in denver colorado and its been raining but its been warm.
It is april 14 2012
:welcome Chicks should be fine outside from around four weeks old, especially if it's been warm. Keep them dry for the time being in case they do get cold (as long as your coop is closed with a good roof, it should be fine). When they're older, you might find that they'll love being out, getting soaked in the rain. :lol:
I brought mine outside yesterday for their first night out, and it was warm all day and then rained all night. They were fine! They will be five weeks old tomorrow.

I made my husband put on his raincoat and check on them three times last night, haha.
I have 5 week olds its been in the 40s and 50s at nighttime would they be okay outside in a coop that has a nice roof but with lots of gaps in the walls and not fully closed in door
I have 6 baby chicks that are 4 1/2 weeks old. I'm not sure when they can go outside. I live in Kansas and its Winter. Temps are in the 30's and 40's. I don't know if I should put a heat lamp in their coop or not. They have been in our garage with a heat lamp (two of them when they first arrived) I have been raising the heat lamp to help them get use to the cold. They seem to be fine with it. They are very active and are not huddled together as if they were cold. Oh, they are Easter Eggers. Most of their down feathers are gone and they have their "Big girl" feathers now. I have never raised baby chicks so this is all new to me :)

This is a photo of our coop.... The inside area will protect them from the cold winds. The windows now have doors on them that we can close.
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