When can baby chicks...


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 5, 2012
go outside? They were hatched with my silkie and the nursery is seperate from the rest of the flock and they can not get out. I am giving them medicated feed and they will be with
their momma. They were born on Thursday. They keep, well, actually it's momma who keeps knocking over the food and water. If they can come outside of the nursery coop but still inside the chick run it would be great. I used to wait at least two weeks but I'm thinking what could be the harm? No vacines, just medicated feed.

Thank you!
I have two broodies that hatched chicks and they have been outside from the beginning. I just started letting them out to free range while i'm home after they were about a week old.
If they are in a run with mom only I see no reason they shouldn't go out short of it snowing then mom probably wouldn't take them out anyways. She should take care of her little ones just fine.
I'll let someone from your area answer that one. I'm hitting 80 degrees in the day here and 55-60 at night. Just saying a mother chicken probably knows more about raising chicks than we do. Generally people are saying when they are feathered (5 weeks) but some put their's out much earlier that.
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The only way to find out is to let them out and see how they do...if they appear to be cold, shivering, huddled...well, it's too soon. If not and they are running around doing chickeny things, then it's okay. Same with night time....watch how they act and they will show you their tolerance levels.

Usually, with a broody hen, I'll let mine join the large group and free range, no matter the temps, at 2 wks.
The only way to find out is to let them out and see how they do...if they appear to be cold, shivering, huddled...well, it's too soon. If not and they are running around doing chickeny things, then it's okay. Same with night time....watch how they act and they will show you their tolerance levels.

Usually, with a broody hen, I'll let mine join the large group and free range, no matter the temps, at 2 wks.
For me with a broody hen its outside from the get-go. If Mama thinks its Ok, its Ok with me. Its been warm in Texas this spring. I started putting my mail order chicks out during the day at 5 days old. 60 degrees and sunny at that time. They would be put back in the heated brooder at night. At 2 weeks I put them in an empty coop with heat and outside in the run all day. At 3 weeks old no more heat. Night time temps were upper 40's to lower 50's. I still collect them and put them in the coop before night fall. At 5 weeks old they have full control of what they do in the coop and run. The chicken door stays open and they come out at daybreak and they put themselves away in the evening. Thats real nice.
Well thank you to all who responded!!!!

They are out in the run and I'm not sure about them but Momma is super happy! She took a dust bath almost right off. Taking time to teach her babies all sorts of stuff. They spent a long time on a dead leaf, not sure what the lesson was there, lol. Lots of momma speak and show and tell. They did huddle in the corner while momma took a bath but I think they just didn't like the flying dirt.

I will admit I'm a little fearful of blending them with the flock just yet. I keep them seprate until I feel they are no longer so delicate, you know?

Well hope everyone is enjoying their chickens, perfect day out today!

thanks again!

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