When can I give my chicks treats and what are the best ones?

I just checked and I use the same brand. My chicks haven't had a problem with it so I'm sure it's fine. Mine wasn't dusty when I opened the bag so maybe yours was just shaken around a bit more or crushed finer.
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Thanks Sophia that was helpful, :I saw somewhere online also, some chicken owners commented on a couple ground stone that could be included in a "grit mixture" granite was one of them. so I guess it is safe..no silica. .. ..Yes I would hope that being distributed for chickens that the manufacturer would know!

Thanks so much again.
I will hold off on giving it to them though, for 1 1/2 - 2 weeks? until I start giving them treats, like you suggested.
Also, when you do begin to give it to them I suggest sprinkling it over their food like salt and not putting it in a separate container. I did that and one of my chicks thought the grit was it's actual food and would sit there and eat that all day instead of her chick starter. Putting it in a separate container works for some though.

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