When can I let my new flock out to free range?


In the Brooder
Apr 9, 2018
Long story short - I picked up 5 new chickens yesterday. Two are 6-month old silkies (they had a large run, but did not free range). Three are 9-week old large fowl (orpington, rhode island red, black star). They are currently in the coop. When would you say it is safe for me to let them venture into the yard and forage? The weather is going to be beautiful the second half of this week, so I would hate to have them cooped up for too long.

Generally, 12 weeks old is a good time for large fowl.
I'd say 10 at the earliest. If you carefully supervise them I think you will be fine. Just be attentive: everything and anything wants to attack chicks because they are easy targets.
So I'm guessing by this weekend I can let the chicks out, because I will be keeping a watchful eye on them always. I only plan on letting them out for an hour or so before sunset, so they can forage and stretch their legs, but put themselves to bed.

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