when can i tell if my chick is a rooster or a hen..

A good way of telling whether or not your chickens are roos or hens are by the feathers, the roos (unless they are sebrights or campines) have longer, thinner hackle and saddle feathers.
A good way of telling whether or not your chickens are roos or hens are by the feathers, the roos (unless they are sebrights or campines) have longer, thinner hackle and saddle feathers.

Heck, my sebright is hatchery stock and has pointed hackle and saddle feathers with long curly tail feathers.
Do you know what breed your chicks are
Because one of my chicks looks really similer and I cant figure out what breed She/he is
Well you can tell by their wing feather i do not all i know is u can i would get a book first and check it out.

And their combs more developed and the waddles.You can't tell At a week about 3 weeks you can.And their tails may curl at around 5 weeks. By then they are almost fully feathered anyway.
Here's the pics:
#1 Nina, the Welsummer. #2 Fitzhenny, the Cuckoo Maran. #3 Celery, the Ameracauna who's really aggressive. #4 Rita the Bantam Barred Rock.

I look at the feathers around the neck of #3. See how they are long and skinny? Compare that to the other chickens you have. They have shorter feathers around their necks. I am betting my penny that you have a little roo. Time will tell watch the wattles and the comb. It is harder to tell when they are teeny boppers. Roosters wattles and combs will become very vibrant red much earlier than the pullets. The comb will get more pronounced too and before long you will hear a wierd sound which is an early crow.

Just my humble opinion
Trying to sex EEs by using the neck feathers can sometimes be tricky. write2caroline is right about time being the best way to find out. I know you said that Celery was an Americauna, but either way the neck feather development would be pretty much the same - Americauna or EE. Meet Daphne, one of my EEs, and notice the neck feathers. I thought sure I had a roo on my hands, but my buddies on another thread assured me she was a girl:

She laid her first egg this morning. The penciling on those neck feathers can really throw off what the feathers actually look like. And by the way, she is far from the friendliest chicken in my hen house, too. In fact, she may well be one of the ones who ends up being culled. I have neither the time nor the inclination to take care of a chicken I don't trust.
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very new to chickens and have 8 5ish week olds AND two of them are becoming a concern to me.

HELP I HAVE 2 chickens I cant tell if cockrels or pullets. THANKS first set is welsummers second is blk australops


welsummer #1

welsummer #2 (has larger comb but acts like hen)

blk australop #1 (acts like a roo would my greatest concern)

blk australop #2

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