when can my goslings handle the one week older ducklings?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 25, 2013
Calhan, Colorado
I bought two Ancona ducklings one week before I got my two Gray Toulouse goslings. Initially I had a solid divider between them, there was a small slot in that wall and both sides "hung-out" and slept there. So yesterday I replaced the solid wall with a small dog exercise pen. They can stick their heads thru, but not their bodies. At first they seemed very excited, but now they are quietly content. I moved both side's water and feed close to each other, so that they can get used to eating side-by-side. My question is: at this point the ducks are twice the size of the geese, at what point would it be safe to take the fence between them out completely? And what are you looking for when you do put them together? What are the signs that things are not going well, or how much squabbeling is okay? At what point does it get dangerous for either side? Love them all and don't want to cause harm to any. This is my first year with ducks and geese, so I have no experience to draw from and nothing to compare it to.
I bought two Ancona ducklings one week before I got my two Gray Toulouse goslings. Initially I had a solid divider between them, there was a small slot in that wall and both sides "hung-out" and slept there. So yesterday I replaced the solid wall with a small dog exercise pen. They can stick their heads thru, but not their bodies. At first they seemed very excited, but now they are quietly content. I moved both side's water and feed close to each other, so that they can get used to eating side-by-side. My question is: at this point the ducks are twice the size of the geese, at what point would it be safe to take the fence between them out completely? And what are you looking for when you do put them together? What are the signs that things are not going well, or how much squabbeling is okay? At what point does it get dangerous for either side? Love them all and don't want to cause harm to any. This is my first year with ducks and geese, so I have no experience to draw from and nothing to compare it to.
Well we all missed you post but happy to hear they have all accepted each other and are doing good. Congrats!!

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