When describing Leghorns ...


10 Years
Jun 13, 2009
North Port, FL
Hello, forum! I have three Leghorn chicks about 2 weeks old. I am doing a lot of reading on here ("Reading! It's better than housework!" LOL) and I see that many chicken veterans describe Leghorns as "flighty."

Not to sound dumb but what does "flighty" mean?!! I'm a complete newbie and a lot of the chicken lingo I'm sure will become obvious given some time but I'm kind of curious as to what I've gotten myself into here!

My favorite chickens so far are my Barred Rocks. I just love them.

Thanks for the info on defining "flighty." It's much appreciated!
Flighty birds can are easily spooked, and are more likely to take flight than other varieties. They tend to be less calm and more nervous- just a little more high strung than others.

I must say that for all the supposed traits of the various breeds, there are always exceptions. I have quiet ones that have turned out to be noisy, flighty ones that turn out to be calm and cuddly...

Good luck!
Flighty.. Leaves the ground often.... Takes flight (more so than other chickens). Skiddish, so when you scare them they tend to fly off (least mine do). Get the idea yet ?

Definition: Constantly changing plans, emotions and opinions.

Meaning that leghorns are unpredictable at times. They have a tendancy to be flighty. I think the best way to describe my leghorns is like a child with WAT TOO MUCH ENERGY.
Impossible to catch, Hates human contact, and runs from other hens.

Hope this helps. see ya........
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I heard that about leghorns too. I have 2 brown leghorns that have now become very friendly and much less "flighty".

Granted, my BR's are my favorites, but the leghorns now actually will sit on my lap! Just the opposite of everything I've read about them. I spend some time with them everyday in the run and always come with a treat - now my leghorns are the first to take flight - Towards me!
They do tend to fly a lot. right in the dog pen and then we have to go save the chicken. We did lose a roo that flew in and we didn't see him go in to holler the dogs off. They killed the chicken by pouncing on it and broke the neck and wing. Didn't bite or pierce skin though. Hubby had to do an emergency barbecue, lol BAD dogs
... good chicken though..... best we have tasted in awhile actually and felt better eating it. He had a good life til the end.

I have three Leghorns. At first they were very nervous, skittish, flighty or whatever adjective you might think of, but now they come running to me, jump on me, actually sit on my back when I stoop down for something. You could say they are all over me! Funniest birds!

It did take them longer to get used to other people, though. DH would go into their run and they would go crazy, flying up against the fence in "terror"! I was so surprised when I saw that but now they aren't afraid of him, either.

Good luck with your Leghorns!

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