When do chickens start laying after winter & molt


Jul 8, 2021
Central NJ
When do chickens start laying after the winter and their molt?
I have 2 lying hens that are almost 2 years old (march) that had their molt in december and they stopped laying….
When will they continue back up?
Excellent question
My 3 girls are exactly the same age and 2 stopped laying when they went through a hard molt in November. They’re done now, but the days are longer and still no eggs ☹️
My 3rd girl is a BIG Orpington (ie fat) who stopped laying in July (15 months old), and hasn’t molted yet. Don’t know what’s up with her…
Your cream legbars should start 2 to 3 months or sooner.

Your pullets will lay between 28 to 50 weeks. Since they will experience the onset of spring and the more gradual light levels.

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