When do chickens start laying eggs?

It is hard to tell. In the pen of 14 Black Sex links, 2 Production Reds, 1 Amberlink, a Silverlaced wyandotte and an EE, the EE is tge only one we are sure isn't.

In the truly mixed flock pen, the Barred Rocks lay huge eggs with the Leghorns running a close second. Both lay in the ex-large to jumbo on a regular basis.
6 EEs are just getting going so are still kind of small but regular now.
thanks;) we have mixed as well (BA6 GC5 BO4 EE3 GLW1) can't wait for eggs and to variety of colors lol.
thanks;) we have mixed as well (BA6 GC5 BO4 EE3 GLW1) can't wait for eggs and to variety of colors lol.

The BSLs thru their first season of laying have been very consistant, even prolific and the eggs have been very nice. They make up 2/3 of our origional pen. I kept a log and thru the winter we averaged 17+ eggs a day from a pen of 22 layers, 16 of which are BSLs.
1 day before 18 wks got a surprise when we got home. It was from Golden Comet. Waiting to see if others follow soon behind...we have 4 GC same age
Do I need to keep the oyster shell filled and available as I do the grit? Or when they finish for the day, no more till the next? Hubby says once done for one day, no refilling that day. I say the opposite cause it's the strength & health of the eggs I'm building (I also found Manna pro Omega 3 I sprinkle in OS)
I have 4 production reds I got them in July and they were around 8 months. They have yet to start laying. We feed layena with oyster. They are in a chicken tractor that we move to fresh grass every few days. We are in Texas and it has been extremely hot. Like 98+ with 100% humidity daily. It is starting to cool some, highs now upper 80's low 90's. Can this affect laying? What else should I be doing? They seem healthy? First time doing this chicken thing.
Everyone may have answered this question, but I am curious as to when the rest of my chickens will start laying. My Ancona and Delaware are laying, but my others aren't. They are approximately 6 1/2 months. They started laying about three 3-4 weeks ago, but nothing out of my EE's, Orpington's, White Rock, or Rhode Island Red's. Currently, I am feeding them layer crumble. Should I be doing anything different.


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