When do I turn off the heat lamp


In the Brooder
Jun 4, 2015
Poultry Land USA
I have 11 chicks in a brooder inside my Florida home our house stays at 77 degrees constantly we got them on memorial day they all have feathers starting do they need the lamp too?
They're a week old? Or were they already a week old when you brought them home? A pic might help us tell how old they are if you don't know.

You definitely don't need a regular 250 watt heat lamp. But if your chicks are under two weeks old, they may still require some measure of heat for another week. Try a 100 watt incandescent bulb. That will be plenty of heat for them regardless of how old they are.

With the house being just under 80, you probably will not need to provide heat beyond age three weeks.
They're a week old? Or were they already a week old when you brought them home? A pic might help us tell how old they are if you don't know.

You definitely don't need a regular 250 watt heat lamp. But if your chicks are under two weeks old, they may still require some measure of heat for another week. Try a 100 watt incandescent bulb. That will be plenty of heat for them regardless of how old they are.

With the house being just under 80, you probably will not need to provide heat beyond age three weeks.

X2, I remove the heating lamp starting week 3. But keep any eye one you brooder temp, incase you need to turn it back on for some colder days(our night temp just dropped to 40s past week).
I kept mine in a spare bathroom the temperature was 75 in there and I didn't use a heat light but just the first few days didn't like leaving it on while we wasn't home the chicks never acted cold I put them in the coop at 4 weeks old I did use heat in the coop the temperature was in the 30s and 40s at night
I kept mine in a spare bathroom the temperature was 75 in there and I didn't use a heat light but just the first few days didn't like leaving it on while we wasn't home the chicks never acted cold I put them in the coop at 4 weeks old I did use heat in the coop the temperature was in the 30s and 40s at night

So if the temp is around 60s at night do I still need to put a heat lamp?

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