When do RIRs begin to lay?

My RIR started laying at 5 months to the day. She lays med-large eggs pretty regularly. I have and EE the exact same age they layed on the same day. Her eggs are larger but she doesn't lay as often. RIR lays 5 eggs per week and the EE 4eggs per week give or take.
The answer to every when will they lay question is "when they are ready" I am sure that giving them extra light will help. Lots of people talk about more protein etc. I really think proetin is more likely to imrove production, not nearly as convinced that it makes them lay earlier.

I think most productio reds lay in about 24 weeks. I have some heritage Reds and they started laying at 35 weeks when they finally kicked in they really started all at the same time and are laying great now.

Hang in there
I felt like you not too long ago. My RIR didn't lay until she was almost 9 months! Her and my Wyandotte (who's the same age) started laying at the exact same time. She now lays about an egg a day! I still have a Wyandotte (9 months) that isn't laying. Just be patient!
Twentyfour-twenty six weeks and occassionaly twenty eight weeks and RIR's should be laying. I then takes about two-two and a half months for eggs to get to full size. I start my pullets on laying crumbles at sixteen weeks to speed up the egg laying proccess. Hope this helps, and good luck. Paraclete 2


This is the more developed of my 3 RIR from mcmurray. All my girls will be 5 months old on the 5th of Jan and they have yet to begin laying. I seized buying eggs at the store and told my girls they have to get laying soon I could use an omelet right about now.

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