When do roosters figure out

I am not sure what the average age is, so I am not much help. I have a batch of mixed breeds that I bought this spring, they are now going on 16 weeks, based on their looks there are at least 4 roosters. I heard one crow a couple of days ago, that was the 1st time I heard any of them try to, and then he only did it when one of the mature roosters was crowing. I have not heard the others try yet.
I think it must be an individual/environmental thing. I have two Welsummer roos that are about 7-8 weeks (actually I think one maybe a Langshan or BCM/Welsummer X). Anyway, I thought I heard the pure Wellie trying to crow at this morning (he's a little further behind in development). The neighbor's roo was going off at the time, then another neighbor's started up too. As I was walking away, I heard another crowing attempt. I turned around to see the Langshan/Welsummer X crowing away (sort of). The started sparring a little this week as well. Nothing serious yet though.
I have a barred rock, a couple silver laced wyandotte, a huge rhode red(that incidently supposed to be a gold orpington) and a beautiful white golden comet and not one of them has made any sounds rooster like. Thanks for the help!
I have a BO roo ("One Boy") that is 13 weeks ... nothing so far. He's very quiet. Never makes a nose.
You know what they say about those quiet ones. One day I'm expecting to walk out & get serenaded.

I'm wonder when "One Boy" will figure out he is a boy & the other 19 around him are all girls. How retched it that sound? (Trying to keep it clean but I want no suprises!)

I have a 22 week old cockerel that my Broody hatched around Christmas time.

He has not crowed yet.

He is beginning to mount his half-sister now, but he was about 18 weeks old before he even tried that. I don't think he has actually succeeded yet.

The thing is, he lives in a large henhouse with nine hens and another rooster (his father), and the only chicken further down in the pecking order than he is, is the little pullet that was hatched out at the same time he was.

I think he might be so intimidated by the other rooster and those older hens that he is not exercising his full "potential" as a young man of the henhouse.
I went out this morn and the rhode island was trying to mount one of the other chicks, it was more squawking but i think he might be getting the idea....ha pretty funny!
I ended up with one barred rock roo he's about 14 weeks now and has been making all kinds of noise. Started about 10 weeks.

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