When do these Buzzards get to work?

Buff Orps are known to sometimes go broody but usually not this time of the year.

Maybe a couple of options. Gather all those eggs and make cakes, pies, custard, all the healthy meals you can come up with. Once you've done that and had the dog lick the dishes clean crack open a decent but cheap bottle of winr, maybe a Barefoot merlot, and contemplate the calendar to try to decide on what broody season may be as you enjoy a good meal.

Another option since I think it is mostly calendar related is start talking in an Australian accent, especially about going walkabout. Look up the proper wardrobe and maybe hang a few kangaroo posters. Instead of merlot, maybe a shiraz. Channel your inner Mel Gibson, Nicole Kidman, whichever Aussie you feel you can best channel and convince them that they are south of the equator. Down there it would be the right time to go broody.
Joe, have you ever considered hatching them yourself with the help of a mansiere?

I've read stories where it worked for women and heck, just in the interest of equality, you know?
Omelets for dinner. Kill the Goose that lays the golden egg?:gig
Out of the entire masses, maybe two will go Broody semi frequently. Out of the remaining, a tiny microscopic smidgen (0.0000005%) of them will seasonal Brood. It's just their nature and breed.
I have some Black Austrolorpes too, if that is what B.O. means.:confused:
If your intentions are to hatch chick-lets perhaps you should purchase a couple breed types of hens that are more prone to Broody and place your B.O. pods under them.:)
Only other alternative is Incubation. Which is more suitable for hatching in the Winter Season.

If these birds aren't going broody, why do they try to eat my hands when I go for the eggs?
You should try getting some silkies to incubate the eggs. :p They are super broody and even with it being winter here, I still have hens trying to brood the two dummy eggs I use to encourage the young pullets to lay in it, and they are super sweet birds too.

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