When do you candle the eggs?

Sorry to take over your thread but on day 10 what should you see in the eggs? Mine will be on day 10 tommrow.

You are welcome to join me on this thread. I suspect you should see something similar to a chicken at 7 days, lots of info on that in the chicken section.
Below is information I used from www.ogpbb.com

The presence of embryos can be confirmed easily after 8 days to 12 days of incubation. The embryo is located in the large end of the egg, where blood vessels radiate under the surface of the shell. The embryo appears as a dark spot that becomes larger as incubation progresses. Eventually only a dark mass and the air cell are seen. An infertile or unincubated egg brightly transmits light in comparison. Remove infertile or nongrowing eggs from the incubator.

This is not my picture, however this is about what I see with a little less pink at ten days. I'm not sure exactly what day during incubation this was taken, however I am sure it is very close (10-12 days).
It's hard to see much in a turkey egg at 7 days, but at 10 days you will start seeing veining and a small "bobber" where the embryo is forming.
This is a bourbon red turkey egg at 8 days... hard to see anything, but the airsac will be more defined, and you will see veining starting to branch down from the airsac.

Here's another egg at 14 days...

I get impatient and start candling at 7 days, but you really can't see much until 10-14 days...
Sorry to take over your thread but on day 10 what should you see in the eggs? Mine will be on day 10 tommrow.

You are welcome to join me on this thread. I suspect you should see something similar to a chicken at 7 days, lots of info on that in the chicken section.

Actually, because the incubation period of a turkey is 28 days (ish) you don't start seeing much at all until 10-14 days.
We candled ours at ten days and could clearly see development except for one. That one we weren't certain of we left in.

We just now candled again at day twenty five and thirty four out of thirty five appear to have active poults in them. The thirty fifth egg is either a clear or a very early quitter and I suspect it's the one we weren't sure of back on day ten.


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