When should I move my chicks outside?


In the Brooder
Apr 7, 2016
Hi there,

It's my first time raising chicks and I'm just wondering when would be the best time to move them outside into their coop/run. They're 4 and a half weeks old now and not using the lamp inside anymore as it is usually about 72F in the house. The temperature outside is usually sitting between 20-28C during the day and 8-10C at night. Thanks everyone!
Well, I've always waited for the 8 week mark- in which case you should get a larger brooder! However if it is warm enough over night than I don't see a huge issue with them getting acclimated to the coop. I would recommend keeping them cooped up for some time so they know where their new home is before letting them "free range".
So, Im new here but from what i have gathered..

A. That Brooder is too small for them
B. I would move them out they're durning the day and maybe bring them in at night until they are about 6-8 weeks? I know it depends how many feathers they have and the temps outside.

To be safe, i would put them out in the coop with a run durning the day, watch for signs of chill ( huddling ) and then proceed as needed. if they are getting a chill i would say they are defiantly not ready and to bring them into their brooder with a light again. But I personally would still bring them in at night for a few weeks.

Again take this with a grain of salt because I am new and not experienced. Good Luck!
Hi there,

It's my first time raising chicks and I'm just wondering when would be the best time to move them outside into their coop/run. They're 4 and a half weeks old now and not using the lamp inside anymore as it is usually about 72F in the house. The temperature outside is usually sitting between 20-28C during the day and 8-10C at night. Thanks everyone!
looks as if they are pretty cramped in there. I'd get a bigger brooder box, don't look as if their feathers all came in yet so they still need the warmth. If they re cold tolerant, try them in coop/ run area during the day then a heater at night. But nonetheless, that brooder is to small.
Yes, that box is WAY too small for them. You still have about another two weeks minimum before they can be outside, especially at night. A cheap brooder is to get several boxes from your grocery or liquor store and put them together. Very simple and you can add more space as they need it. I have my 6 week old chicks in one in the basement and while they are only using half of what they have offered to them I know that it won't be long before they will be running the length enthusiastically. I put the light on one end and the food and water in the middle. One big thing to keep in mind with chicks, especially those as large as yours, is that there is no such thing as a brooder too large.
Plus, the brooder cost me nothing since I already had the light (not shown since this was before I put chicks in) and the wire.

I am a new by but this is what I have done so far and it seems to be working good. I kept mine in the brooder the first three weeks in the bathroom. Then I moved them to a big shipping box in the coop with the heat lamp still. Wednesday I came out to find one had flown the box so I just have them in the coop and I turn the heat lamp on at night because it is still chilly at night here in WV. They are 5 weeks old now. I put them in a 4x6 dog kennel I have on sunny days and they love it.

When can I just put them out in the run during the day?
How feathered are they? If they are fully feathered then they'd be good. If not, then they can still chill. When I brooded outside I kept the light on day and night until the birds actively avoided it. That way they could go outside and if they got chilly they could go in until they warmed up. At five weeks, you are almost to the point where you won't have to worry about them warmth-wise but depending on just how cool it is, it can't hurt to give them a bit more time.

We put them outside into their coop and run and they put theirselves to sleep lastnight in the coop with the heat lamp in there. They seem much happier! Thanks everyone!
We moved our chicks (1 week old) inside on Sunday. 2 had just disappeared. We suspect rats as the culprits. Found 1 dead in brooder this morning so down to 13 from original 16. How old do you think they would need to be before they are reasonably safe from rats?
We moved our chicks (1 week old) inside on Sunday. 2 had just disappeared. We suspect rats as the culprits. Found 1 dead in brooder this morning so down to 13 from original 16. How old do you think they would need to be before they are reasonably safe from rats?
you need to search protection of chickens from rodents... (sprinkle ceyenne pepper/sulfur mix around entire coop and run area; also plant peppermint plants in four corners of run). Rodents love their feed so they'll come just for that then chickens will fight for it and get killed. Try those things. I'm sorry for your losses. I wouldn't put them out till fully feathered-between 5-7weeks)

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