When to move chicks to their "adult" house


In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2016
I have six-six week old silkies at home and they are rapidly outgrowing their brooder. We've been taking them out during the day and letting them roam while supervised - they never seem to go far.

They're living in the garage with no heat source, but it's still going down to the upper 30's at night and our coop walls aren't quite as thick as we had hoped. When would be the best time to move them outside?
I have two ISA Browns in my garage too. They are under a red lamp. I was told by the lady at my local supply store to introduce them to the other girls starting at 6 weeks - but keep the separated. At 8 weeks I was told I can release into the coop. We're new to chickens, so I have no experience with this subject myself.
We just weaned ours off of their heat lamp about a week ago. Our garage stays about 10-15 degrees warmer than outside and they were doing great, I'm just a little nervous about putting them outside when it's still this chilly at night and they're still young.

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