When to move?


In the Brooder
Mar 21, 2015
hi friends, it's been 2 weeks and my girls are doing well, they are so fun. We've re-constructed the brooder in our basement and they love it. So, I've gotten mixed answers as to when the ladies will/should move into their new coop. I've heard 5 weeks to 12 weeks. There is no natural light in their brooder so I want to introduce them to sun as soon as I can. I'm in mid Michigan, so if you have some ideas I'm open. Thanks in advance
they should be pretty close to fully feathered around 6 weeks. Once they're fully feathered, they have all the protection mother nature intended for them to ever have. They'll fluff up those feathers and keep themselves warm just like the birds in the trees do. Plus, in 4 more weeks, it'll be May, what are your normal night time temps in May?

Do a search for Blooie, read her posts about putting her chicks out in the coop and run when they're born......she's in Wyoming

LOL in six months, summer will be gone and it will be starting to cool off for autumn.....sorry, not picking but that cracked me up
I'm brand new to raising chickens. I have 13 chicks that are a month old. We just put them in the coop this week and they are doing great! San Diego is super warm, so I guess that helps. We have two roosters that are four months old. When would be a safe time to allow them to roam freely with the girls? During the day, they hang out in the run separately. At night, they sleep in a crate inside the coop.
they should be pretty close to fully feathered around 6 weeks. Once they're fully feathered, they have all the protection mother nature intended for them to ever have. They'll fluff up those feathers and keep themselves warm just like the birds in the trees do. Plus, in 4 more weeks, it'll be May, what are your normal night time temps in May?

Do a search for Blooie, read her posts about putting her chicks out in the coop and run when they're born......she's in Wyoming  :)

LOL in six months, summer will be gone and it will be starting to cool off for autumn.....sorry, not picking but that cracked me up

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