When to put chickens together?


7 Years
Apr 10, 2012
Ontario, Canada
I have 3 EO's (Euskal Oiloased) that are about 4 months old (born the end of Jan) and 5 EE's that are about 6 weeks old. While they have been living in the same room together, the EE's are kept in a separate 'pen' which is surrounded by chicken wire. So the EO's have visible sight of the EE's. When can, or should I start putting them together? The EO's have not been outside yet, I am thinking this weekend. Would it be a good idea to introduce them together outside in the pen where the EE's can have a chance to escape if need be? Or, should I wait until they are older? I'm still unsure if all the EE's are hens yet. I have been trying to get picks, but they are resistant to good pictures.

I've aways had chicks from the start so there have never been issues with introducing new chickens to older chickens. Any opinions or advice?
If they have been next to each other for awhile, putting outside together is the next step. With the EOs being young themselves things should go smoothly. I would guess the inside barrier could come down sooner than latter.
Thanks! I thought it would be better outside before inside. I did let them together inside and the one EO immediately went for the black/white EE. I will keep a close eye on them outside.
If they are getting along outside than yes you can put them together. They may tussle over some things just like any other flock.

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