when to put chicks in the coop

I always put our chicks straight out in the brooder that is located in one of our coops. It is big and predator safe, and has a heating pad if needed they can get to. This is of course chicks we hatch in the incubator. Our chicks hatched from mama hens, I never mess with, I just let the mama do her thing. It has worked so well and no mess inside to deal with everyday.
x2 I do the exact same thing.
My chicks figured out the coop pretty quickly, actually. Today we took another big step and I let them out in the big run for the afternoon. When I closed off the run for the night they all huddled against the door and looked longingly at the run. Talk about guilt! The EE is good about me handling her, but the Australorp screams like I was killing her if I even try to hold her. The Iowa Blue won't come near enough me unless I have a treat, but runs away pretty fast. So much for friendly chickens!
My chicks figured out the coop pretty quickly, actually.  Today we took another big step and I let them out in the big run for the afternoon.  When I closed off the run for the night they all huddled against the door and looked longingly at the run. Talk about guilt! The EE is good about me handling her, but the Australorp screams like I was killing her if I even try to hold her.  The Iowa Blue won't come near enough me unless I have a treat, but runs away pretty fast. So much for friendly chickens! 

Your post had me chuckling because I know what you mean! I was going to skip our afternoon outing as it looked like rain but I felt so guilty I just had to do it! Funny how these little creatures can do that to us huh?! And also one of my Barred Rocks screams like that when I try to hold her too.
I am very new to having chickens, and have my first batch of 16, 3 day old chicks in a large Rubbermaid tub in the bathroom. Originally I had planned for them to be raised in the coop, but the overnight temps here are fluctuating all over the place from the high 50's to the low 70's...I have sand on the coop floor and have heard that sand is not good for babies...what is the earliest age that chicks can tolerate sand, and at what age range can I let them free inside the coop? As my moniker implies, I have a lot of experience with dogs, but none with poultry! TIA...
I am very new to having chickens, and have my first batch of 16, 3 day old chicks in a large Rubbermaid tub in the bathroom. Originally I had planned for them to be raised in the coop, but the overnight temps here are fluctuating all over the place from the high 50's to the low 70's...I have sand on the coop floor and have heard that sand is not good for babies...what is the earliest age that chicks can tolerate sand, and at what age range can I let them free inside the coop? As my moniker implies, I have a lot of experience with dogs, but none with poultry! TIA...

I put mine on wood shavings for 3 or 4 days, then they're on sand. Using a heating pad, temperature fluctuations are not a problem. I have a batch hatching today that's going out to the coop as soon as everyone is dry.
My Buff Orpington would run and scream and carry on when I tried to pick her up. I snuck up on her one day, wrapped my hands around her and picked her up then held her in my arms for a couple of minutes talking to her and petting her. Now she's the only one that doesn't fuss when picked up. My silver laced Wyandotte will jump up on my arm on command and loves to be held but fusses when I first pick her up. The Americana will get on my arm but you'd think I was killing her if I try to pick her up.
My Buff Orpington would run and scream and carry on when I tried to pick her up. I snuck up on her one day, wrapped my hands around her and picked her up then held her in my arms for a couple of minutes talking to her and petting her. Now she's the only one that doesn't fuss when picked up. My silver laced Wyandotte will jump up on my arm on command and loves to be held but fusses when I first pick her up. The Americana will get on my arm but you'd think I was killing her if I try to pick her up. 

I saw someone on BYC saying pullets get less skittish when they grow up, is that your experience? My girls are a little less tame since moving outside. They'll eat from my hand but don't want to be pet or jump on me anymore.
I put the girls in their coop today and they are loving the extra room! I closed them in, put down some paper towels over the sand in places (under their food/water/heat lamp area), and ordered the heating blanket that was linked earlier in the the thread. Tomorrow I'll build them a hardware cloth "cave", and cover it with a towel until the heating blanket arrives. I really love this idea; much better than the heat lamp, and seems safer, too.

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