when to switch from starter feed?

I have a question...

I keep reading how many pounds of starter feed everyone's chicks are going through vs how old they are.
I have 14 chicks that range from 7-10 weeks old. I have just purchased my 4th 50 pound bag of the chick starter feed after the first 2 25 pound bags only lasted a week. Is it normal for my chicks to be eating this much? That is 250 pounds of starter feed in just 10 weeks! I feel like I am constantly filling their food containers because they seem to eat it so fast. My 3 silkies (7 weeks) don't eat as much as my 10 week old chicks do. They also seem to be eating more and more as they grow so I having to purchase feed more often.

Is this normal or do I have pigs with feathers instead of chickens?

First, your last question made me giggle!

Secondly, from what I've been told and what I've read (as I'm raising my first flock myself), the bigger they get, the more they'll eat. Bantams, silkies, and sometimes game birds usually don't eat as much as the full-sized poultry from what I can gather. They go through a lot of growing/changing in a relatively short time frame, so I'd feed them as much as they want, unless you start to notice they're getting too big - not able to walk well, support their own weight, roost, etc.

I've got 30 full-size poultry (Aussies, Buff Orps, Ameraucana/EE, Black Giant) and we've already been through a little over 100 lbs of starter. They're just now 5 weeks old. If your birds look healthy, I wouldn't worry about it. :)
Chickens are winged pigs you see. I have one of the red long feeders with all the head holes and it holds quite a bit of food but I have to fill it up 2 or 3 times everyday for 17 chicks... I think I might sell off a few of mine shortly just because I didn't realize how much food thus many birds would eat. I also thought we got our chicks straight run except 6 of them that were sexed... So 11 should be straight run, but out of that 11 there's only one cockerel. It also seems like our straight run Pekin ducks we got "lucky" it seems 1 male out of 4.. I bought extra straight run critters thinking we could eat the extra males... But they're all females basically... I guess we could still eat the male Pekin, but I need to wait and see if I get a WH drake with the straight run chicks I've got ordered for May 1... I don't want to eat all the males because I do want ducklings at some point... And I prefer mixed poultry. Anyway, yeah chicks eat a ton if food. Probably because they aren't able to be out scratching on the ground. I think I might try taking the babies out today though for a bit. I've let the meat birds out, but they're super easy to catch... Let the Pekins out, again easy to catch... Haven't let out the laying breeds, or mallards... So today may be their day
Hi everyone! I'm a total newie! Got my first 5gsl from our local feed store. (one already didnt make it) They are now 6days old. I have (2) 50 lbs bag of start and grow. (non medicated, whaterver that means) But I'm pretty sure that I will only go through 1 bag and then switch to a layer feed. Should I be giving them anything else right now? I was going to pick up maybe 3 more just to make sure I have a good sized flock. I am really looking for some RIR's Cause I do want a good duel purpose chicken. Just trying to go through all these threads and gather the best info. I have a book but I can't ask it questions.
Hi everyone! I'm a total newie! Got my first 5gsl from our local feed store. (one already didnt make it) They are now 6days old. I have (2) 50 lbs bag of start and grow. (non medicated, whaterver that means) But I'm pretty sure that I will only go through 1 bag and then switch to a layer feed. Should I be giving them anything else right now? I was going to pick up maybe 3 more just to make sure I have a good sized flock. I am really looking for some RIR's Cause I do want a good duel purpose chicken. Just trying to go through all these threads and gather the best info. I have a book but I can't ask it questions.

I started with 6 EE chicks in February, then added one more. One has a beak issue so is quite smaller than the others. I went through one (1) bag of starter feed in nine (9) weeks. Got the next type this time - starter/grower. Should last as long, but since they are bigger maybe not. Once that bag is gone, I will start the layer feed. I am relatively new to this too, but from reading BYC, they need the extra nutrients in the grower food and don't need the layer food till they are ready to lay (18 -22 weeks - depending on the breed),
Do you have a coop yet? There are several good ideas on this site. Enjoy and welcome aboard!
I have a question...

I keep reading how many pounds of starter feed everyone's chicks are going through vs how old they are.
I have 14 chicks that range from 7-10 weeks old. I have just purchased my 4th 50 pound bag of the chick starter feed after the first 2 25 pound bags only lasted a week. Is it normal for my chicks to be eating this much? That is 250 pounds of starter feed in just 10 weeks! I feel like I am constantly filling their food containers because they seem to eat it so fast. My 3 silkies (7 weeks) don't eat as much as my 10 week old chicks do. They also seem to be eating more and more as they grow so I having to purchase feed more often.

Is this normal or do I have pigs with feathers instead of chickens?

I have 6 chicks that i got at age 1week. I have had them for 4 weeks. I just finished 10 lbs if feed.
i love it when my girls catch a worm...its like chicken football how they chase each other around and almost tackle each other...entertaining for sure
I have a question...

I keep reading how many pounds of starter feed everyone's chicks are going through vs how old they are.
I have 14 chicks that range from 7-10 weeks old. I have just purchased my 4th 50 pound bag of the chick starter feed after the first 2 25 pound bags only lasted a week. Is it normal for my chicks to be eating this much? That is 250 pounds of starter feed in just 10 weeks! I feel like I am constantly filling their food containers because they seem to eat it so fast. My 3 silkies (7 weeks) don't eat as much as my 10 week old chicks do. They also seem to be eating more and more as they grow so I having to purchase feed more often.

Is this normal or do I have pigs with feathers instead of chickens?
i have 13 chickens that are 6 weeks old. i have went through maybe 20 pounds of chick starter. they have access to it all day whenever they want. try letting your chicks out in the grass to pick at the grass and weeds and bugs or whatnot. also you can give them veggies and fruit... i usually give them whatever lettuce is starting to get old or leftover salads from dinner. my chicken also love cabbage and i give a few leaves of it a couple times a day. they also love skinned apples cut up. they are like pigs and will eat almost anything. i keep an eye out for sales on lettuce and greens at the store. right now i am feadding all 13 on about 30 to 50 cents a day
I have a question...

I keep reading how many pounds of starter feed everyone's chicks are going through vs how old they are.
I have 14 chicks that range from 7-10 weeks old. I have just purchased my 4th 50 pound bag of the chick starter feed after the first 2 25 pound bags only lasted a week. Is it normal for my chicks to be eating this much? That is 250 pounds of starter feed in just 10 weeks! I feel like I am constantly filling their food containers because they seem to eat it so fast. My 3 silkies (7 weeks) don't eat as much as my 10 week old chicks do. They also seem to be eating more and more as they grow so I having to purchase feed more often.

Is this normal or do I have pigs with feathers instead of chickens?
some chicks are like that, though you could over feed them. my chicks have never over eaten. so i think it may be the breed of your chicks. anwhat d it can be that your chicks are diffrent
sorry i meessed up on the last part. it says so your chicks could be diffrent from most others.then again, an animal of some sort could be sneaking to the chicks food and eating all of it.
i have 13 chickens that are 6 weeks old. i have went through maybe 20 pounds of chick starter. they have access to it all day whenever they want. try letting your chicks out in the grass to pick at the grass and weeds and bugs or whatnot. also you can give them veggies and fruit... i usually give them whatever lettuce is starting to get old or leftover salads from dinner. my chicken also love cabbage and i give a few leaves of it a couple times a day. they also love skinned apples cut up. they are like pigs and will eat almost anything. i keep an eye out for sales on lettuce and greens at the store. right now i am feadding all 13 on about 30 to 50 cents a day
i have bunnies that ate ALOT not kidding we ended up finding out it was because the food for the reabbits didnt have enough nutrition in it. so they were always hungry.

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