When To Worm


In the Brooder
Aug 5, 2015
So Monet is a few weeks old.. when do you start to deworm them? and what do you use.. Monet is a house Fowl for now.. and is being raised on Gamebird starter..

he is approx 5-6weeks old.. Thanks in advance!
If I understood correctly when I asked this question I believe others said when they hit dirt is when you have to be concerned with worming... But let's wait for some experts to chime in... Monet is a pretty looking boy... Say his pics in another of your posts...
If you are feeding medicated chick starter with amprolium you are on the right path. As long as it doesn't live on dirt the chances of getting anything is pretty slim. I don't think that deworming would be necessary for at least four to six weeks from being released to the ground.

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