When to Worm?


May 28, 2017
Hi BYC. So it's been a while since I last wormed my girls and I'm concerned about when I should next. Some of them have been having runny poop/little red blotches here and there but otherwise appear healthy. Should I go for it?
Hi BYC. So it's been a while since I last wormed my girls and I'm concerned about when I should next. Some of them have been having runny poop/little red blotches here and there but otherwise appear healthy. Should I go for it?
I'd suggest posting a close up pic of a poo - the red in the poo could be blood (a symptom of cocci) but could just as easily be intestinal shedding or something equally as benign. It's useful to know that, with the exception of roundworm, most worms are not visible to the naked eye. The ER forum may be the best forum to post a pic
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I'd suggest posting a close up pic of a poo - the red in the poo could be cocci (but could just as easily be intestinal shedding or something equally as benign). It's useful to know that, with the exception of roundworm, most worms are not visible to the naked eye. The ER forum may be the best forum to post a pic
I'll see if I can get a pic later :)
There's only one worm you'll see in poop, and that's round worm.
Best way to decide if you need to worm, is have a fecal float test by a lab that can report the species and numbers of any worm found.

BUT first, assess your feeding regime,
what and how exactly are you feeding,
there are many things that can cause runny poops.
Even warm weather will cause runny poop. I'd not worm a bird unless I SAW worms, or unless my birds were loosing condition. And then, I'd have a fecal float done before blindly throwing a wormer at them. There are also many natural anti helminthics that you could use a couple of times/year that would not be as problematic re building resistance as the commercially sold wormers. Garlic and ginger are a good starting place. If your birds are in a run that is bare soil, the best place to start at providing a healthy parasite free environment is there. You could work on building a deep litter in the run which would keep the soil organisms well balanced and reduce the likelihood of it being a breeding ground for internal AND external parasites.
Need some EXPERT ADVICE....
I have 4 Buffs that will be about 22wks Monday/Sept 4. Hubby & I were curious as to how much they weighed, guessing 5# but now concerned cause I weighed them (2#, 3#, 3.5#, 3.75#) couple days ago. I feed them fermented Flock Raiser as much as they'll eat (est 1 - 1.5cups of dry). They get Romaine lettuce, Spinach, Papaya, Oatmeal, BOSS, Freeze Dried MW, tomato, bananas, raisins, other good stuff for treats, not all at once, about a cup or two a day. ACV in their water which get changed daily. They are confined to their enclosure (8x12x7) hard clay ground with good layer of shavings (DLM). I scoop the poop from the poop board daily & pick up whatever I see in the shavings. They're active & healthy, no issues.

Someone told me they're underweight & should be wormed. I don't believe in treatment unless needed but do believe in prevention. I got from CL when they were 8wks old. What do you all think? What should they weigh at 22wks? Should I worm them? If so what do you all suggest.

Need to call my Vet if he'll do a fecal test on their poop.
Every 6 months, or when worms are visible.
There's only one worm you'll see in poop, and that's round worm.
Best way to decide if you need to worm, is have a fecal float test by a lab that can report the species and numbers of any worm found.

Someone told me they're underweight & should be wormed. I don't believe in treatment unless needed but do believe in prevention. I got from CL when they were 8wks old. What do you all think? What should they weigh at 22wks? Should I worm them? If so what do you all suggest.

Need to call my Vet if he'll do a fecal test on their poop.
I'd be hesitant to go by weight only to indicate a need for worming...get a fecal done, ask that they ID and report species of parasites found and counts, just because some are present doesn't mean they need to be eradicated. Hopefully your vet has some avian experience and is not an alarmist. Would be good to find a local with good chicken sense to know what is common in your climate.

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