When will Black Copper Marans pullet lay?


14 Years
Oct 21, 2007
Eastview, Ky..
I have a bcm pullet that is 8 months old and still has not laid an egg. She is fed laying crumbles, some whole corn and oyster shell. I have some buff orpingtons which are 9 months old eating the same diet that have been laying for 4 months.. Maybe they are late bloomers?
My BCM began laying at 5 months.
Do you let them range? Is it possible she is laying somewhere other than a nest box?
My BCM laid her first egg on the ground in the run
At least that was where it was when I saw it.
Now she manages to make it to the nest box, but a few other times I'd even find her eggs broken, under the roost.
I'm lucky it didn't start an egg-eating craze.

Not that it's always a sign, but has she been squatting? I could also tell when my BCM is ready to lay, as she picks up pieces of straw/shavings and tosses them over her shoulder (going through the motions of making a nest). Hens are funny!
No I don't free range her. I have a coop and a large lot, but I have never found an egg. She eats good and looks good. Guess I'll give her a bit longer and see. If not I suppose I will get rid of her as I have 4 more about 3.5 months old.

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