When Will She Molt ????


11 Years
Dec 8, 2008
Waco, Texas
We started out with 3 chicks March 2011 lost one at 7 months then a second this past spring both of unkown causes.. We still have Delores who will be two March 23 of 2013.. She has not molted yet.. she is a production rhode island red.. I'm worried she'deicied to have her first full molt when winter sets in..
Some hens have full molts when they seem to 'blow' all their feathers at once. Others drop a feather or two at a time over an extended period - she may be one of the later sort.
She'll molt this fall. First molt is at about 18 months, give or take. I don't think your weather is severe enough to cause problems even if she goes quite nekkid.
Thank you I was afraid I'd have to make her a sweater... How long does a full molt usually last???? I hope she starts and gets finished before cold weather hits.. We are in central texas.. proablaly won't have a really good freeze till november.

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