When your egg production mysteriously drops you might have an unwanted visitor center


Feb 13, 2019
My chickens have been producing between 20 and 30 eggs a day and recently production has dropped to about 12. Now I have a 40x60 chicken pan with a fairly elaborate protection system it has chicken wire then chain link fence sides top and buried underneath I have motion sensor lights all around as well as motion activated sprayers which even the most determined raccoon fox or skunk will not tangle with.

Yesterday while I was outside my chickens were raising Cane I knew something was up because normally they do not squawk and carry on so I grabbed my best weapon and went to the pan opened it up went inside and looked in the chicken house and lo and behold what did I find I found a 7 ft long black snake it had already devoured several eggs and was intent on devouring more. Now when I say I grabbed my best weapon I had a suspicion that I had a snake I have had them before so I went to Amazon and bought a snake stick like they use on TV it's about 5 ft long and it has a grabber on the end of it because I happen to despise snakes. It was fairly easy to reach in with the snake stick grab the little booger pull him out close the hen house up take him outside of the cage and convince him that eggs were not his thing.

If you notice that your egg production drops it is possible that you have a snake that has discovered where your hands lay their eggs and it will return on a regular basis to feast on your eggs it won't harm the chickens because they're too big for it to swallow it will harm any baby chicks and it will eat the eggs I suggest you get a snake stick or a pair of heavy leather gloves because you never know when you're reaching into a dark chicken house what type of snake you're going to be grabbing. You also have a choice to make once you've gotten a snake out he will return there's nothing you can do to convince him otherwise they have no fear you can scare him off you can throw him into the woods whatever you want but he will come back so either you kill it or you take it far enough away that it can't come back but you have to make that decision I put mine in the scoop of my tractor and drove 5 miles down a dirt road and dumped it.


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Wow, that's a big snake! I think snakes are cool, and it bothers me when people kill them indiscriminately, so kudos for taking the time and effort to grab it and move it, despite your feelings about snakes. Black snakes will also eat rats and mice, so they are awesome when not stealing your eggs!

Something has been taking my eggs too, but all we have here are garter snakes. I don't know if garter snakes would steal eggs?
I have had rats too take eggs and snakes rarely. I do have electric wires around my coops and pens and a couple of snakes were going through the fence. My fences are grounded so when the snakes touched the electric wires and the fence they were electrocuted. Not on purpose.
Would a snake eat 20 or so eggs in one shot? We had about that many disappear the other day with no evidence left behind, so trying to figure out the culprit...

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