Where’s the money!? Chicks? Eggs? Pullets?

Thanks for the input y’all! I live in rural Arkansas so I don’t think there will be a market for extra fancy/expensive birds. People around here just want “farm chickens.” I was considering focusing on one of my slightly more expensive breeds like the jubilee orpingtons (chicks here go for around $15) or silkie or blue CM chicks ($6 locally). And selling them for a little less than most people do around here. That way I figure I’d do a little better than just selling barnyard mixed, but people would actually buy them. What do y’all think about that idea?

And thanks BantyChooks for the hen/incubator suggestion. I think I’ll take advantage of a broody hen when I have one (just because it’s less work on my part, and they’re so darn cute!) but mostly rely on the Bator.

Sell the for MORE not less. Scarcity sells, post in your ad only 4 left even if there are forty. Make yours stand out as special.

Good luck

I think one of the overlooked values of chickens is their poop. When you are growing your own fruits and vegetables, the manure really increases your crops. It can't be measured in dollars, but it is definitely a value. I suppose you could save feed bags and fill them with manure to sell. I have always needed it all in my gardens.

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