Where feeder should be - pros and cons

I am also curious, I just got my chicks 2 weeks ago, so this is the first I’ve heard of no feed in the coop, have you got an answer yet as to why not? Maybe I am over feeding my chicks, should I take the feed out at night? Great thread, but now I am confused and have so many more questions. Lol
Hi there! I’ve gotten many answers (and, as I, too, am learning, the ultimate answer needs to work for me …). Keeping food in coop can attract rodents - and I would like to avoid that. Folks have also said unless weather conditions dictate, food should be in the run because chickens sleep in the coop … the thing I’m struggling with right now is whether to remove the food from the run at night especially where I’m planning on installing an automatic door … I don’t want to attract mice or predators, although the run is very secure … so much to think about but trying not to overthink … 🙄
Thanks. On the fence re the treadle, but also unsure about the feeders with the inner spouts. Not interested in open feeders because I don’t want to have to take them in every night … I appreciate your input!
We are in the same boat, loving this thread. Would love to know what you decide.
My feeder (holds 50 bls, we normally don't put that much in it but it's big) is always inside.
One good thing about this is due to chicken waiting, the feed that is on the coop floor they can also scratch and eat it. But when we clean the bedding out we move it to the run and bam there is feed out there for them to find..
I am also curious, I just got my chicks 2 weeks ago, so this is the first I’ve heard of no feed in the coop, have you got an answer yet as to why not? Maybe I am over feeding my chicks, should I take the feed out at night? Great thread, but now I am confused and have so many more questions. Lol

One reason I prefer to have the feed in the run (or with a larger coop and larger flock, in both places, is that the feeder and waterer take up valuable space in the coop -- at least 1 square foot for each, more if the feeder/waterer is larger. Space a chicken can't stand in doesn't count when you're figuring how many birds the coop holds appropriately.

the thing I’m struggling with right now is whether to remove the food from the run at night especially where I’m planning on installing an automatic door … I don’t want to attract mice or predators, although the run is very secure … so much to think about but trying not to overthink … 🙄

I have not had a problem with vermin in the feed in the run -- possibly because I use electric poultry netting and have no active farms nearby.

You can try leaving it and see what happens. No one-size-fits-all solutions for chickens. :D
We use tidy cat litter containers and cut them down for their water in the run. I have two of these. The other one is plastic that looks like an oil pan you change your oil in car that we bought at wilco. For food I keep it on our enclosed deck in a big container with a lid that was at wilco also. Our coop has a deck to keep rain out of the feed. Feeder I'm using a server that has five or six areas to put feed in. Rain, it rains here allot and the feed does not get wet on their deck. They can stay out of the rain by being under a tree in the run. Coop and run depending on the weather they can be under a tree to stay cool in summer and under the tree on rainy days to stay dry. Most times silly birds they like to walk around in the run in the rain. The run is right in front of our back sliding door where our deck is at. It's pretty cool. If I stand in the window at the sliding door they know I'm there. You should here all of them when I do this.
Thank you, I understand now. It’s only a rodent deterrent, not a safety or chicks will turn to gremlins if fed at night thing. I would assume hanging water in the coop is ok? I can’t leave an animal with no water overnight, that just seems cruel & unusual.
You can have food in the coop. Put it where it makes sense in your set up. I have feed in the coop and feed in the run, but I remove all feed at night to discourage rodents from coming in.
One reason I prefer to have the feed in the run (or with a larger coop and larger flock, in both places, is that the feeder and waterer take up valuable space in the coop -- at least 1 square foot for each, more if the feeder/waterer is larger. Space a chicken can't stand in doesn't count when you're figuring how many birds the coop holds appropriately.

I have not had a problem with vermin in the feed in the run -- possibly because I use electric poultry netting and have no active farms nearby.

You can try leaving it and see what happens. No one-size-fits-all solutions for chickens. :D
I think that’s going to be the plan! I’m going to start off with a simple arrangement (hanging feeder in run overnight) and then see what happens. The run is very secure (and will have poultry netting surrounding it). So we shall see … thanks!
Thank you, I understand now. It’s only a rodent deterrent, not a safety or chicks will turn to gremlins if fed at night thing. I would assume hanging water in the coop is ok? I can’t leave an animal with no water overnight, that just seems cruel & unusual.

As long as it's spillproof.

You *usually* want to keep the coop as dry as possible.
Ha! And vice-versa! Where are you? Did you say you just recently got chicks? Mine are coming next week …
My chicks are 7 weeks old, just moved them out to their coop/run a week ago. I’m still using their chick feed and waterer and moving them in and out of the coop morning and night 😅 I have an automatic coop door. My coop is on the smaller side as the weather here is mild (western North Carolina) so it’s really just for sleeping and laying and not really any extra room for a feeder or waterer. But my run is pretty exposed. They’re basically free ranging but in a fenced off area of my yard. I plan to put some string amongst the trees overhead to deter hawks, as I think that’s my most relevant predator. I’m in the suburbs so my coop is sturdy and I feel their safe in there at night. I’m spoiled, and very busy with children, hence the automatic door. So I don’t want to have to go out there and bring food in and out either. But leaving feed out in the run I feel like will become a problem 🤔 Really want to make a decision ASAP but just not sure what to do!

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