where o where have my blue eggs gone?

If only it were that easy. We'd have one already. Maybe someday. A million billion dollars have gone into producing the parent stock for the White Leghorn. If you could convince someone into putting a million billion dollars into a blue egg layer...
My 2 EEs haven't laid in 3 weeks but they are molting. When I was doing breed research I found most EE are not good winter layers (I'm guessing it depends on what breed mix they are), that's why I also got Speckled Sussex and Silver-laced Wyandottes...they are supposed to be fairly good winter layers. My Sussex though have just started molting so I'm sure they will quit soon too.
I have 3 retired EE hens, and other than the one that was frequently broody, They laid fairly regularly.
I received 3 Ameraucanas for my b-day at Hallowe'en (actually 2 have yellow legs so they're EEs).
They are about 16 weeks old now so am happily expecting more blue eggs again in the spring.
I have heard that EEs take forever to start laying and are prone to broodiness, but I'll be happy when I get blue eggs again.

Edited to add: OMG OMG ... I just went to the coop and there was a tiny blue/green egg in the nest box.
Either one of my old girls came out of retirement or one of the new girls started very early. Spook is the eldest baby, approx. 18 weeks.
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