Where to start?????

There are a ton of new chick people on here going through the same as you so you are not alone. That being said alot of knowledgable people to help along the way.


Me, too!!!!!!

I take it out to the coop-building site with me every morning.


I took the building book into the garage and outside while I was building my coop. I would like to suggest if you are going to get those books (I really recommend them!) please purchase them through the BYC store. That way you help support this site. Congrats on the new chicks they are a lot of fun and they are VERY ADDICTING!
Hi...I live in western MD too...and am a ewbie. I don't get my chicks til next wednesday tho.
PM or email me and see if we r close to one another and maybe we can help each other out with the peeps!
Congrats on your new babies!!!

Yep, I have Tetra Tints and I *think* I have Golden Comets! They came from an "Assorted Red Pullet" bin, are starting to look like Comets.
For more info and photos on Tetra Tints, see this thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=473961

mean female.. If you see a bin marked "straight run", that's a mix of male and female. Mistakes do happen, of course, and has been mentioned! lol

It sounds like you are doing everything right!

Here is a little advice on raising chicks...

Make sure that their vents are clean. (A vent is where they poop) You should check on your chicks at least 5 times a day when they are this young. You need to clean their vents whenever you see any poop build up. Wet a papertowel with warm water and use that. If you find it isnt coming off then you can dip their rear in a little water. BUT BE CAREFUL THEY DONT DROWN! But dont worry this vent build up doesnt last forever. Only the first week or so. This is a very important step in raising chicks because they will die from this.

Also, chicks are attracted to the color red and shiny objects. So this is why most feeders and waterers are red or shiny.

The chicks will also LOVE to have something to perch on! I put a little peice of wood in my brooder and they absoulutely LOVE it!

This is all the advice I can think of right now. But if I think of anything else I will definately post it.
I am raising chicks too and it is my first batch! I have read a bunch of books and a lot of websites so that I was prepared! It is a learning process but it has been a blast so far! I hope you enjoy your chicks!
Thanks everyone for all the pointers. We have all made it through day 1. I never dreamed these cute little fuzz-balls would make me so happy! I don't think I have left them alone for more than 10 minutes all day. I just checked in on them and they were all sleeping standing up! So cute!! I look forward to reading the books and this forum to learn all I can so they continue to be happy and healthy. Thanks again......
Ya...Maybe a little far.....Were way up here in the mountains. Hagerstown is about an hour and a half away from me. My husband and his dad go down there for the races! They are Big and Little E fans as well. Me....I will always be a
Gordon Fan at heart but I'm lovin Tony Stewart this year!

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