Where will my night-perching Muscovies decide to lay eggs?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 13, 2014
My girls are not yet laying but over 5 months old. I've noticed the male starting to mate with them and are wondering where they will end up nesting? I do have an enclosure that they were raised in, but they don't spend much time there now.

Currently, they don't fly out of my yard but will perch in the oak trees above our roof at night. I'm curious where they will try and nest so I can retrieve eggs. I would rather not have ducklings. We are at our Muscovy max :)
I have one Muscovy nesting under a shed. I really didn't want ducklings, either, but she was persistant. Don't know if she'll actually manage to hatch any ducklings or not. My ducks have their wings clipped, so they don't roost in trees. They will lay in their shelter, in the shelter in the Pekin pen, in the windbreak on the ground, under the shed, out in the middle of the pen—basically anywhere. I just keep watch for eggs in the yard.

A couple of days ago, one followed my up to the garden shed where I was checking on fencing. I checked inside the shed, then when I came out and shut the door, I noticed she had a laid an egg right next to the shed! That's the freshest egg I've ever found!

You can try putting ceramic eggs where you want them to lay, but sometimes that just encourages them to sit. I usually put one in when they start laying all over the yard. Right now, two are cooperating and laying in the nest, for now. :)

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